Given that $\min (D[p_1||p_3],D[p_2||p_4])=a$, how to find a lower bound of the difference $\left \vert D[p_1\parallel p_2]-D[p_3\parallel p_4] \right\vert$ with respect to $a$? If the condition is weakened to be $\max (D[p_1||p_3],D[p_2||p_4])=a$, is that still possible to find a lower bound of the quantity?
The original question is how to find upper bound, which is shown to be impossible.
Given that
$D[p_1\parallel p_3]\leq \epsilon$, $D[p_3\parallel p_1]\leq \epsilon$, $D[p_2\parallel p_4]\leq \epsilon$ and $D[p_4\parallel p_2]\leq \epsilon$,
is that possible to place an upper bound on the quantity $\left \vert D[p_1\parallel p_2]-D[p_3\parallel p_4] \right\vert$ using $\epsilon$ ? The KL divergence is defined as $D[p\parallel q]\equiv\sum_x p(x)\ln\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$. Thank you very much.
The KL divergence does not satisfy the triangle inequality, which makes the problem not that easy. Otherwise, this can readily be proved by adding a $D[p_2||p_3]$ within the absolute value and then subtracting it. I try to use the information projection [] to prove it, but have not found a way yet.
to $D[p\parallel q],$ coded asD[p\parallel q]
. The former notation doesn't have the horizontal spacing that binary operation and binary relation symbols normally have. $\endgroup$