I am currently interested in the differential geometry of minimal surfaces, and I have a rather trivial question regarding Scherk's surface (the one which can be parametrised by the real function $(x,y)\mapsto\ln\big(\frac{\cos(x)}{\cos(y)}\big)$).
On the internet, it appears that a fraction of this surface can be constructed/modelled with a cube in which some edges are removed, shrinking it into a soapy solution, as in the picture that I share with you just below.
However, how can one be completely certain that this really represents such a surface, and it is not just another surface that happens to look the same as Scherk's one?
I don't have enough bibliographical information to check whether someone already pointed out the link between the surface and such a model, so I would really appreciate some kind or reference so I can learn more about this, and other soap-film models.
Thank you in advance for your answers.