Remark 1. Here is a proof. By plotting the function, I observed that the optimal $t$ is approximately equal to $\ln\frac{4}{p^2}$ when $p$ is small (in the notation below, that is to say, the $s$ with $\frac{\partial f(s, p)}{\partial s} = 0$ satisfies $s\le 4$ and $s \to 4$ when $p \to 0$). This inspires me.
Remark 2. It is a challenge problem.
Problem. Let $p \in (0, 1/3]$ and $t > 0$. Prove that
\ln(1-p +p\cosh t)
\le t^2 (1+c p) \sqrt{1-2p} $$
where $c := 2\sqrt{3}\ln(2 + \sqrt{3}) - 3$.
Let $s := p^2\mathrm{e}^t$. Then $t = \ln \frac{s}{p^2}$ and $s > p^2$. The desired inequality is written as
$$f(s, p) \le g(p) \tag{1}$$
$$f(s, p) := \frac{4
\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right)}{\ln^2 \frac{s}{p^2}}, \quad g(p) := \frac{(1+c p) \sqrt{1-2p}}{\ln\frac{1+\sqrt{1-2p}}{1-\sqrt{1-2p}}}.$$
The constraints are $0 < p \le 1/3$ and $s > p^2$.
We split into four cases.
Case 1. $1/6 < p \le 1/3$ and $s > p^2$
We have, for all $1/6 \le p \le 1/3$,
$$\frac{(1+c p) \sqrt{1-2p}}{\ln\frac{1+\sqrt{1-2p}}{1-\sqrt{1-2p}}} \ge \frac23 + \frac{6}{c + 3}(p - 1/3).$$
(Note. The proof is easy by taking derivative. By the way, the RHS is the first order Taylor approximation of the LHS around $p = 1/3$. )
It suffices to prove that
\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right)}{\ln^2 \frac{s}{p^2}} \le \frac23 + \frac{6}{c + 3}(p - 1/3),$$
$$M(s) := \left(\frac23 + \frac{6}{c + 3}(p - 1/3)\right)\ln^2 \frac{s}{p^2} - 4
\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right) \ge 0.$$
Since $M(p^2) = 0$, it suffices to prove that $M'(s) \ge 0$ for all $s > p^2$, or
$$ \left(\frac23 + \frac{6}{c + 3}(p - 1/3)\right)\cdot \frac{2}{s}\ln \frac{s}{p^2}
- \frac{4 \left(\frac{1}{2p} - \frac{p^3}{2s^2}\right)}{1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}}\ge 0.$$
Since $\frac{6}{c+3} < \frac{25}{19}$, it suffices to prove that
$$ \left(\frac23 + \frac{25}{19}(p - 1/3)\right)\cdot \frac{2}{s}\ln \frac{s}{p^2}
- \frac{4 \left(\frac{1}{2p} - \frac{p^3}{2s^2}\right)}{1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}}\ge 0.$$
Let $u := s/p^2 - 1$. It suffices to prove that, for all $u > 0$ and $1/6 \le p \le 1/3$,
$$\ln (1 + u) - \frac{114u(u+2)}{75u^2p + \frac{26u + 26}{p} + 13u^2 + 150u + 150} \ge 0$$
which is true (smooth; Use the fact that $75u^2p + \frac{26u + 26}{p}$
attains the minimum when either $p = 1/6$, $p = 1/3$, or $75u^2 = \frac{26u + 26}{p^2}$).
Case 2. $0 < p \le 1/6$ and $p^2 < s \le 1$
Fact 1. If $p \in (0, 1/6]$ is given, then $\frac{\partial f(s,p)}{\partial s} \ge 0$ for all $p^2 < s \le 1$.
(The proof is given at the end.)
By Fact 1, it suffices to prove that $f(1, p) \le g(p)$ or
\ln\left(1-p + \frac{1}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2}\right)}{\ln^2 \frac{1}{p^2}} \le \frac{(1+c p) \sqrt{1-2p}}{\ln\frac{1+\sqrt{1-2p}}{1-\sqrt{1-2p}}}. \tag{2}$$
Since $u \mapsto \frac{u}{\ln \frac{1+u}{1-u}}$ is strictly decreasing on $(1/2, 1)$ and $\sqrt{1-2p} < 1 - p$, we have
\ge \frac{1 - p}{\ln \frac{1 + (1-p)}{1 - (1 - p)}}
= \frac{1-p}{\ln\frac{1}{p} + \ln 2 + \ln(1 - p/2)}
\ge \frac{1-p}{\ln\frac{1}{p} + \ln 2 - \frac{p}{2}}. \tag{3}
Also, we have
\ln\left(1-p + \frac{1}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2}\right) &= \ln \frac{1}{p} - \ln 2 + \ln(1 + 2p - 2p^2 + p^4)\\
&\le \ln\frac{1}{p} - \ln 2 + 2p - 2p^2 + p^4. \tag{4}
From (2)-(4), using $c > 3/2$, it suffices to prove that
$$\frac{(1+3p/2)(1-p)}{\ln\frac{1}{p} + \ln 2 - p/2}
\ge \frac{\ln\frac{1}{p} - \ln 2 + 2p - 2p^2 + p^4}{\ln^2(1/p)}, $$
&\left( -3\,{p}^{2}+p \right) \ln^2(1/p) + \left( -2\,{p}^{4}+4\,{p}^{2}-3
\,p \right) \ln(1/p)\\
&\qquad +2\ln^2 2 + \left( -2\,{p}^{4}+4\,{p}^{2}-5\,p \right) \ln 2
+{p}^{5}-2\,{p}^{3}+2\,{p}^{2} \ge 0,
or (using $11/16 < \ln 2 < 7/10$)
&\left( -3\,{p}^{2}+p \right) \ln^2(1/p) + \left( -2\,{p}^{4}+4\,{p}^{2}-3
\,p \right) \ln(1/p)\\
&\qquad + 2(11/16)^2 + \left( -2\,{p}^{4}+4\,{p}^{2}-5\,p \right) \cdot \frac{7}{10}
+{p}^{5}-2\,{p}^{3}+2\,{p}^{2} \ge 0,
which is true since
&4 \cdot (-3p^2 + p) \cdot \left(2(11/16)^2 + \left( -2\,{p}^{4}+4\,{p}^{2}-5\,p \right) \cdot \frac{7}{10}
\ge{}& \left( -2\,{p}^{4}+4\,{p}^{2}-3
\,p \right) ^2.
Case 3. $0 < p \le 1/6$ and $s \ge 4$
We have
&\frac{\partial f(s,p)}{\partial s}\\
={}& \frac{16p}{(p^4 - 2p^2s + 2ps + s^2)\ln^3 \frac{s}{p^2}}\\
&\quad \times
\left[\left(\frac{p}{4} - \frac{p^5}{4s^2}\right) \frac{s}{p^2}\ln\frac{s}{p^2} - \left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right)\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right)\right]\\
<{}& \frac{16p}{(p^4 - 2p^2s + 2ps + s^2)\ln^3 \frac{s}{p^2}}
\left[\frac{p}{4} \cdot \frac{s}{p^2}\ln\frac{s}{p^2} - \frac{s}{2p}\ln \frac{s}{2p}\right]\\
={}& \frac{16p}{(p^4 - 2p^2s + 2ps + s^2)\ln^3 \frac{s}{p^2}}\cdot \frac{s}{4p}
\left[\ln\frac{s}{p^2} - \ln \frac{s^2}{4p^2}\right]\\
\le{}& 0. \tag{5}
Thus, it suffices to prove that $f(4, p) \le g(p)$ or
\ln\left(1-p + \frac{2}{p} + \frac{p^3}{8}\right)}{\ln^2 \frac{4}{p^2}} \le \frac{(1+c p) \sqrt{1-2p}}{\ln\frac{1+\sqrt{1-2p}}{1-\sqrt{1-2p}}}. \tag{6}$$
Since $u \mapsto \frac{u}{\ln \frac{1+u}{1-u}}$ is strictly decreasing on $(1/2, 1)$ and $\sqrt{1-2p} < 1 - p$, we have
\ge \frac{1 - p}{\ln \frac{1 + (1-p)}{1 - (1 - p)}}
= \frac{1-p}{\ln\frac{2}{p} + \ln(1 - p/2)}
\ge \frac{1-p}{\ln\frac{2}{p} - \frac{p}{2}}. \tag{7}
Also, we have
$$\ln\left(1-p + \frac{2}{p} + \frac{p^3}{8}\right)
\le \ln(1 + 2/p) = \ln\frac{2}{p} + \ln(1 + p/2)
\le \ln\frac{2}{p} + \frac{p}{2}. \tag{8}$$
From (6)-(8), using $c > 3/2$, it suffices to prove that
\ln \frac{2}{p} + 2p}{\ln^2 \frac{4}{p^2}} \le \frac{(1+3 p/2)(1-p)}{\ln\frac{2}{p} - \frac{p}{2}},$$
\ln \frac{2}{p} - 2p)\ln^2 \frac{2}{p}}
\left(p + (2-6p)\ln^2 \frac{2}{p}\right) \ge 0$$
which is true.
Case 4. $0 < p \le \frac16$ and $1 < s < 4$
Since $u \mapsto \frac{u}{\ln \frac{1+u}{1-u}}$ is strictly decreasing on $(1/2, 1)$ and $\sqrt{1-2p} < 1 - p$, we have
\ge \frac{1 - p}{\ln \frac{1 + (1-p)}{1 - (1 - p)}}
= \frac{1-p}{\ln\frac{2}{p} + \ln(1 - p/2)}
\ge \frac{1-p}{\ln\frac{2}{p} - \frac{p}{2}}. \tag{9}
Also, we have
\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right)
&\le \ln(1 + s/(2p))\\
&= \ln\frac{s}{2p} + \ln (1 + 2p/s)\\
&\le \ln\frac{s}{2p} + \frac{2p(s+p)}{s(s+2p)} \tag{10}
where we use
$\ln(1 + u) \le \frac{u}{2}\cdot \frac{2+u}{1+u}$ for all $u\ge 0$.
From (9) and (10), using $c > 3/2$, it suffices to prove that
\left(\ln\frac{s}{2p} + \frac{2p(s+p)}{s(s+2p)}\right)}{\ln^2 \frac{s}{p^2}} \le \frac{(1+3p/2)(1-p)}{\ln\frac{2}{p} - \frac{p}{2}},$$
\left(\ln\frac{1}{p} - \ln 2 + \ln s + \frac{2p(s+p)}{s(s+2p)}\right)}{(\ln s + 2\ln\frac{1}{p} )^2} \le \frac{(1+3p/2)(1-p)}{\ln\frac{1}{p} + \ln 2 - \frac{p}{2}},$$
or (using $(1+3p/2)(1-p) - (1+p/4) = p(1-6p)/4 \ge 0$)
\left(\ln\frac{1}{p} - \ln 2 + \ln s + \frac{2p(s+p)}{s(s+2p)}\right)}{(\ln s + 2\ln\frac{1}{p} )^2} \le \frac{1 + p/4}{\ln\frac{1}{p} + \ln 2 - \frac{p}{2}},$$
or (clearing the denominators)
$$m_2 \ln^2 \frac{1}{p} + m_1 \ln\frac{1}{p} + m_0 \ge 0 \tag{11}$$
m_2 &= 8\,{p}^{2}s+4\,p{s}^{2}, \\
m_1 &= \left( 8\,{p}^{2}s+4\,p{s}^{2} \right) \ln s +16\,{p}^{2}s+8\,p{s}^{2}-32
m_0 &= \left( 2\,{p}^{2}s+p{s}^{2}+8\,ps+4\,{s}^{2} \right) \ln^2 s + \left[
\left( -32\,ps-16\,{s}^{2} \right) \ln 2 + 16\,{p}^{2}s+8\,p{s}^{2}
\right] \ln s \\
&\quad + \left( 32\,ps+16\,{s}^{2} \right) \ln^2 2 + \left( -16\,{p}
^{2}s-8\,p{s}^{2}-32\,{p}^{2}-32\,ps \right) \ln 2 +16\,{p}^{3}+16\,{p}^{2}
We have
$$\ln \frac{1}{p}
= \ln\frac{1}{6p} + \ln 6
\ge \frac{2 - 12p}{6p + 1} + \frac{43}{24} \tag{12}$$
where we use $\ln (1 + u) \ge \frac{2u}{2+u}$ for all $u \ge 0$,
and $\ln 6 \ge \frac{43}{24}$.
From (11) and (12), it suffices to prove that
$$m_2 \cdot \left(\frac{2 - 12p}{6p + 1} + \frac{43}{24}\right)\ln \frac{1}{p} + m_1 \ln \frac{1}{p} + m_0 \ge 0,$$
$$\left(m_2 \cdot \left(\frac{2 - 12p}{6p + 1} + \frac{43}{24}\right) + m_1\right)\ln\frac{1}{p} + m_0 \ge 0. \tag{13}$$
Fact 2. $m_0 \ge 0$.
(The proof is given at the end.)
By Fact 2, we only need to prove the case $m_2 \cdot (\frac{2 - 12p}{6p + 1} + \frac{43}{24}) + m_1 < 0$.
Also, we have
$$\ln \frac{1}{p}
= \ln \frac{1}{6p} + \ln 6
\le \frac{1}{6p} - 1 + \frac{9}{5} \tag{14}$$
where we use $\ln(1 + u) \le u$ for all $u \ge 0$, and $\ln 6 < \frac95$.
Thus, from (13) and (14), it suffices to prove that
$$\left(m_2 \cdot \left(\frac{2 - 12p}{6p + 1} + \frac{43}{24}\right) + m_1\right)\cdot \left(\frac{1}{6p} - 1 + \frac{9}{5}\right) + m_0 \ge 0$$
$$q_2 \ln^2{s} + q_1 \ln{s} + q_0 \ge 0$$
q_2 &= 180\,s \left( p+4 \right) \left( 6\,p+1 \right) \left( 2\,p+s
\right) \\
q_1 &= -24\,s \left( 6\,p+1 \right) \left( 2\,p+s \right) \left( 120\ln{2} - 84
\,p-5 \right) \\
q_0 &= 2880\,s \left( 6\,p+1 \right) \left( 2\,p+s \right) \ln^2{2}\\
&\qquad -1440\,p
\left( 6\,p+1 \right) \left( 2\,ps+{s}^{2}+4\,p+4\,s \right) \ln{2} \\
&\qquad +17280
&\qquad +4626\,p{s}^{2} -10368\,{p}^{2}-8978\,ps+695\,{s}^{2}-960\,p-960
We have, for all $s\ge 1$,
$$\ln s \ge \frac{3(s^2 - 1)}{s^2 + 4s + 1}.$$
It suffices to prove that
$$q_2 \cdot \frac{3(s^2 - 1)}{s^2 + 4s + 1}\ln{s} + q_1\ln s + q_0 \ge 0,$$
$$\left(q_2 \cdot \frac{3(s^2 - 1)}{s^2 + 4s + 1} + q_1\right)\ln{s} + q_0 \ge 0.$$
It is easy to prove that $q_0 \ge 0$ for all $p\in (0, 1/6]$ and $s \in [1, 4]$. We only need to prove the case $q_2 \cdot \frac{3(s^2 - 1)}{s^2 + 4s + 1} + q_1 < 0$.
We have (easy), for all $s \ge 1$,
$$\ln{s} \le \frac{s^2 - 1}{2s}.$$
It suffices to prove that
$$\left(q_2 \cdot \frac{3(s^2 - 1)}{s^2 + 4s + 1} + q_1\right)\cdot \frac{s^2 - 1}{2s} + q_0 \ge 0$$
$$T_2 \ln^2{2} + T_1\ln{2} + T_0 \ge 0$$
T_2 &= 2880\,s \left( {s}^{2}+4\,s+1 \right) \left( 6\,p+1 \right) \left( 2
\,p+s \right),\\
T_1 &= -1440\, \left( {s}^{2}+4\,s+1 \right) \left( 6\,p+1 \right) \left( 2
\,{p}^{2}s+3\,p{s}^{2}+{s}^{3}+4\,{p}^{2}+4\,ps-2\,p-s \right) ,\\
T_0 &= 15336\,{p}^{3}{s}^{4}+7668\,{p}^{2}{s}^{5}+17280\,{p}^{4}{s}^{2}+78048
&\qquad +8118\,p{s}^{5}+69120\,{p}^{4}s+
&\qquad +1140\,{s}^
&\qquad +935\,{s}^{4}-33624\,{p}^{3}-72360\,{p}^{2}s-42038\,p{s}^{2}-340\,{
&\qquad -7916\,ps-3385\,{s}^{2}+1080\,p+60\,s.
Using $\ln 2 > \frac{192}{277}$, it suffices to prove that
$$T_2\cdot \frac{192}{277} \ln{2} + T_1 \ln 2 + T_0 \ge 0,$$
$$\left(T_2\cdot \frac{192}{277} + T_1\right)\ln{2} + T_0 \ge 0.$$
If $T_2\cdot \frac{192}{277} + T_1 \ge 0$, using $\ln 2 > \frac{192}{277}$, it suffices to prove that
$$\left(T_2\cdot \frac{192}{277} + T_1\right)\frac{192}{277} + T_0 \ge 0$$
which is true for all $p\in (0, 1/6]$ and $s\in [1, 4]$.
If $T_2\cdot \frac{192}{277} + T_1 < 0$, using $\ln 2 < \frac{61}{88}$, it suffices to prove that
$$\left(T_2\cdot \frac{192}{277} + T_1\right)\frac{61}{88} + T_0 \ge 0$$
which is true for all $p\in (0, 1/6]$ and $s\in [1, 4]$.
We are done.
Proof of Fact 1.
It suffices to prove that (see (5) for $\frac{\partial f(s,p)}{\partial s}$), for all $p^2 < s \le 1$,
$$\left(\frac{p}{4} - \frac{p^5}{4s^2}\right) \frac{s}{p^2}\ln\frac{s}{p^2} - \left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right)\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right) \ge 0.$$
We split into two cases.
(i) $p^2 < s \le p$
Using $u\ln u \ge \frac{(u - 1)(10u^2 + 19u + 1)}{3u^2 + 18u + 9}$ for all $u \ge 1$ (easy), we have
\ge \frac{(s-p^2)(p^4 + 19p^2 s + 10s^2)}{9p^6 + 18p^4 s + 3p^2s^2}.$$
It suffices to prove that
&\left(\frac{p}{4} - \frac{p^5}{4s^2}\right) \cdot \frac{(s-p^2)(p^4 + 19p^2 s + 10s^2)}{9p^6 + 18p^4 s + 3p^2s^2} \\
&\qquad - \left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right)\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2s}\right) \ge 0
which is true (smooth, by taking derivative).
(ii) $p < s \le 1$
It suffices to prove that
$$\left(\frac{p}{4} - \frac{p^5}{4p^2}\right) \frac{s}{p^2}\ln\frac{s}{p^2} - \left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2p}\right)\ln\left(1-p + \frac{s}{2p} + \frac{p^3}{2p}\right) \ge 0.$$
Denote the LHS by $H(s)$. We have
$$H''(s) = \frac{(p-p^3)(p^2-2p+2) - s(1 + p^2)}{4ps(p^3 - 2p^2 + 2p + s)}.$$
Let $s_0 = \frac{(p-p^3)(p^2 - 2p + 2)}{1 + p^2}$. It is easy to prove that $s_0 > 0$, and
$H''(s) > 0 $ on $(p, s_0)$, and $H''(s) < 0$ on $(s_0, 1]$. It is easy to prove that
$H'(p) > 0$ and $H(1) > 0$. Thus, we have $H(s) \ge 0$ on $(p, 1)$. This completes the proof of Fact 1.
Proof of Fact 2.
We have
$$\ln s = \ln \frac{s}{4} + 2\ln 2
\ge \frac{s^2 - 16}{8s} + 2\ln 2$$
where we use
$\ln(1 + u) \ge \frac{u}{2}\cdot \frac{2+u}{1+u}$ for all $u\in (-1, 0]$.
It suffices to prove that
&\left( 2\,{p}^{2}s+p{s}^{2}+8\,ps+4\,{s}^{2} \right)\cdot \left(\frac{s^2 - 16}{8s} + 2\ln 2\right) \ln{s}\\
&\quad + \left[
\left( -32\,ps-16\,{s}^{2} \right) \ln 2 + 16\,{p}^{2}s+8\,p{s}^{2}
\right] \ln s \\
&\quad + \left( 32\,ps+16\,{s}^{2} \right) \ln^2 2 + \left( -16\,{p}
^{2}s-8\,p{s}^{2}-32\,{p}^{2}-32\,ps \right) \ln 2 +16\,{p}^{3}+16\,{p}^{2}\\
&\ge 0
$$n_1\ln{s} + n_0 \ge 0$$
n_1 &= \left( 2\,p+s \right) \left( \left( 16\,ps-64\,s \right) \ln{2} + p{s}^{2}
+64\,ps+4\,{s}^{2}-16\,p-64 \right) ,
n_0 &= 64\, \left( 2\ln{2} - p \right) \Big( \left( 2\,ps+{s}^{2} \right) \ln{2} - 2\,
{p}^{2}-2\,ps \Big).
Since $n_0 \ge 0$ (easy), we only need to prove the case $n_1 < 0$.
We have (easy), for all $s \in [1, 4]$,
$$\ln{s} \le \frac{(3 + 2\ln{2})s^2 + 32s\ln{2} + 32\ln{2} - 48}{s^2 + 16s + 16}.$$
(Note: It is the $(2,2)$-Pade approximation at $s = 4$.)
It suffices to prove that
$$n_1 \cdot \frac{(3 + 2\ln{2})s^2 + 32s\ln{2} + 32\ln{2} - 48}{s^2 + 16s + 16} + n_0 \ge 0,$$
$$k_2\ln^2{2} + k_1\ln{2} + k_0 \ge 0$$
k_2 &= 64\,{p}^{2}{s}^{3}+32\,p{s}^{4}+1024\,{p}^{2}{s}^{2}+512\,p{s}^{3}+
k_1 &= 4\,{p}^{2}{s}^{4}+2\,p{s}^{5}+288\,{p}^{2}{s}^{3}+160\,p{s}^{4}+8\,{s}
k_0 &= 6\,{p}^{2}{s}^{4}+3\,p{s}^{5}+128\,{p}^{3}{s}^{2}+512\,{p}^{2}{s}^{3}+
&\qquad +2048\,{p}^{3}s+1856\,{p}^{2}{s}^{2} -96\,p{s}
^{3}+2048\,{p}^{3} -4096\,{p}^{2}s-3840\,p{s}^{2}-384\,{s}^{3}\\
&\qquad +1536\,{p
Using $\ln{2} > \frac{192}{277}$, it suffices to prove that
$$k_2 \cdot \frac{192}{277} \ln{2} + k_1 \ln{2} + k_0 \ge 0$$
$$\left(k_2 \cdot \frac{192}{277} + k_1\right)\ln{2} + k_0 \ge 0.$$
Since $k_0 \ge 0$ (easy), we only need to prove the case $k_2 \cdot \frac{192}{277} + k_1 < 0$. Using $\ln{2} < \frac{61}{88}$, it suffices to prove that
$$\left(k_2 \cdot \frac{192}{277} + k_1\right)\frac{61}{88} + k_0 \ge 0$$
&\quad +213844\,{s}^{5}+24961024\,{p}^{3}s+
&\quad -540704\,{s}^{4}+24961024\,{
&\quad -24535552
&\ge 0
which is true for all $p\in [0, 1/6]$ and $s \in [1, 4]$.
This completes the proof of Fact 2.