$\DeclareMathOperator{\Hom}{Hom} \DeclareMathOperator{\Aut}{Aut} \DeclareMathOperator{\Gal}{Gal} \newcommand{\Z}{{\Bbb Z}} \newcommand{\Q}{{\Bbb Q}} \newcommand{\Fbar}{{\overline F}} \newcommand{\G}{\Gamma} $Let $F=\Q(\sqrt{7}\,)$, and consider the $\Gal(\Fbar/F)$-module $\mu_8$. The Galois group $\Gal(\Fbar/F)$ acts on $\mu_8$ via a surjective homomorphism $$\alpha\colon \Gal(\Fbar/F)\to\Aut(\mu_8)=(\Z/8\Z)^\times.$$ Write $\G=(\Z/8\Z)^\times$, and let $E/F$ be the finite Galois extension in $\Fbar$ corresponding to $\ker\alpha$; then $\Gal(E/F)=\G$. Note that $\G$ is a non-cyclic group of order 4. The group $\G$ naturally acts on $E$ and on the set of places of $E$.
For each place $v$ of $F$, consider the decomposition group $\G_v\subset \G$, the stabilizer of $w$ in $\G$ where $w$ is a place of $E$ over $v$.
Question. Is it true that all decomposition groups $\G_v$ are cyclic?
If yes, I would be grateful for a reference or a proof.