Let $V_{1}, V_{2}$ be the commuting isometries. By Wold decomposition theorem, we know that $V_{i}$ admits decomposition $$V_i \cong V^s_{i}\oplus V^{u}_{i},$$ where $V^{s}_{i}$ is the shift and $V^{u}_{i}$ is the unitary for $i=1,2$.
Let $$I_{1}:=\left\langle 1-V_{2}\right\rangle \text{ be the ideal in } C^*(V_{1}, V_{2}),$$ and $$I_{2}:=\left\langle 1-V_{2}\right\rangle \text{ be the ideal in } C^*(V^{s}_{1}, V_{2}).$$ And assume that $V^{s}_{i}\neq 0$ for $i=1,2.$
Does there exist a isomorphism $$\pi: I_{1}\to I_{2}$$ such that
$$ \pi(I-V_{2})= I-V_{2}? $$
PS. What I understand that $I_{1}$ and $I_{2}$ both contain the $C^*$-algebra $C^*(I-V_{2}).$
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.