Given a first order elliptic operator $D:\Gamma(X; E)\to \Gamma(X; F)$ where $X$ is a closed manifold, and $E\to X, F\to X$ vector bundles, we know that $D$ induces a Fredholm operator between the spaces of Sobolev sections $D: W^{k+1,2}(X;E)\to W^{k,2}(X;F) $. Therefore we can compute its index which is a topological quantity given by the celebrated Atiyah-Singer index theorem.
Now suppose that $X$ is a compact manifold with boundary, and consider $D$ as an operator $$D: W_0^{k+1,2}(X;E)\to W_0^{k,2}(X;F) $$ where $W_0^{k,2}(X;E)$ is the space of Sobolev sections vanishing over $\partial X$: the completion of $C^\infty_0(\mathrm {int} (X); E)$ in the Sobolev norm $\| \cdot \|_{W^{k,2}} $. $D$ is again a Fredholm operator.
Is there a formula for its index?
Note: this is different from the case considered by Atiyah, Patodi and Singer; in my case I impose a boundary condition $f|_{\partial X} =0$, in their case they impose $\Pi_{-} f|_{\partial X} = 0$ where $\Pi_{-}$ is the $L^2$-projector to the negative eigenspace of the boundary operator $L$ (i.e. over a collar of the boundary $D = \sigma(\frac {\partial}{dt} + L$)).