Let $K$ be a cyclic cubic field, and suppose $a,b \in \mathcal{O}_K \setminus \{0\}$. The field $K(\sqrt{a}, \sqrt{b})$ is Galois over $K$ and generically has Galois group isomorphic to $V_4$, but it is not necessarily true that $K(\sqrt{a}, \sqrt{b})$ is Galois over $\mathbb{Q}$. My question is what are necessary and/or sufficient conditions for $K(\sqrt{a}, \sqrt{b})$ to be a Galois quartic extension over $K$ and an $A_4$-extension over $\mathbb{Q}$?
This is motivated by the phenomenon that if $L$ is an $A_4$-quartic field and $K_L$ its cubic resolvent field, then the Galois closure of $L$ is equal to $K_L(\sqrt{a}, \sqrt{b})$ for some $a,b \in \mathcal{O}_{K_L}$. I want to understand essentially the converse of this phenomenon.