Fix $(R,m)$ a complete DVR of mixed characteristic $(0,p)$ with perfect residue field, and consider finite flat commutative group schemes $G = Spec(A)$ over $R$. One can associate a differential invariant to $G$, an integer $d \geq 0$, in two ways:
the "absolute different", such that the dual $A^*$ of $A$ under the $R$-trace pairing is equal to $m^{-d}A$, or
the "cotangent length", equal to the $R$-length of the cotangent space $e^*\Omega_{G/R}$ (where $e$ is the unit section).
My question is: why is the cotangent length $d$ additive in short exact sequences of $G$?
A direct argument for the cotangent length would be great, though I'm open to an argument that compares the two definitions and proves additivity for the absolute different. For what it's worth, the comparison is clear in some cases by the "differential characterization of the different", and the additivity for the absolute different is clear in some cases by the "transitivity of the different", but I don't know where either of these classical facts is stated in the full generality needed here.
(Context: In Raynaud's famous "... type $(p,\ldots,p)$" paper, the theorem in Section 4.1 computes the action of inertia on the determinant of the generic fiber of $G$ in terms of the absolute different. The argument given proceeds in two steps. First, in the case where $G$ is simple, the result is explicitly verified using the classification worked out earlier in the paper. I have no issues with this argument, and "differential characterization of the different" even applies to compare the two definitions of $d$ in this case. Second, there is a reduction to the simple case by dévissage. But the required additivity of $d$ is never explicitly addressed, and moreover my needs would prefer the cotangent definition. Hence the question.)