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Jul 28, 2021 at 1:48 comment added Bjorn Poonen When I wrote "that rule is not exact", I meant specifically that the functor sending $G$ to $\operatorname{Map}(G^*,\mathbf{G}_m)$ is not exact, so certainly the functor sending $G$ to the Mazur-Roberts sequence $0 \to G \to A \to B \to 0$ is not exact.
Jul 28, 2021 at 1:37 comment added Bjorn Poonen I think that that rule is not exact. It sends $1 \to \mu_2 \to \mu_6 \to \mu_3 \to 1$ to $1 \to \mathbf{G}_m^2 \to \mathbf{G}_m^6 \to \mathbf{G}_m^3 \to 1$, and $2 + 3 \ne 6$. Anyway, the pushout argument is not hard: Choose $G' \hookrightarrow A'$ and $G \hookrightarrow \mathcal{A}$; then $0 \to G' \to G \to G/G' \to 0$ embeds in $0 \to A' \to (A' \times \mathcal{A})/G' \to \mathcal{A}/G' \to 0$ (with $G'$ in the quotient in the middle being the antidiagonal copy), and then one can take cokernels to get $0 \to B' \to B \to B'' \to 0$.
Jul 27, 2021 at 21:56 comment added Jay The rule sending G to this particular s.e.s. [0 to G to A to B to 0] is concrete enough that it should be possible to verify directly that it is exact in G, no pushouts neded? The remaining argument on differentials then makes sense (to me).
Jul 27, 2021 at 21:56 comment added Jay Thanks! To summarize what's behind that Mazur–Roberts reference, for the sake of anyone reading this post later on: Writing G* for the Cartier dual of G, one embeds G = Hom(G*,G_m) into A = Map(G*,G_m) (maps of S-schemes), and takes B to be the quotient. (The Map in question is representable and that A,B have the stated properties.)
Jul 27, 2021 at 21:47 vote accept Jay
Jul 24, 2021 at 5:16 history answered Bjorn Poonen CC BY-SA 4.0