To be a bit more precise and fix notations, let $X$ be a Banach space (over $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$), $X^{\ast\ast}$ its second dual (as a Banach space). Here and in the following we identify $X$ as a (norm) closed subspace of $X^{\ast\ast}$ via the canonical embedding $J : X \hookrightarrow X^{\ast\ast}$. Now let $S_X$ (resp. $S_{X^{\ast\ast}}$) denote the unit sphere (the set of vectors with norm $1$) of $X$ (resp. $X^{\ast\ast}$).
Question 1 Is it true that $S_X$ is dense in $S_{X^{\ast\ast}}$ with respect to the $\sigma(X^{\ast\ast}, X^\ast)$ topology?
Question 2 Do the above have an affirmative answer in the special case where $X = A$ is a $C^\ast$-algebra, hence $X^{\ast\ast}=A^{\ast\ast}$ is its enveloping von Neumann algebra?
Question 3 This is a little more general than Question 2. Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra acting on some Hilbert space $H$, $A$ a $\ast$-subalgebra of $M$ (not necessarily norm closed) such that $A$ is non-degenerate as an algebra of operators on $H$ and such that the double commutant of $A$ is $M$. Is it true that $S_A := \{a \in A \mid \|a\| = 1\}$ is dense in $S_M := \{x \in M \mid \|x\| = 1\}$ with respect to the weak operator topology?
If we replace unit spheres by closed unit balls, all of the above questions have an affirmative answer (Question 1 is Goldstine's theorem, and Question 2 and 3 part of Kaplansky's density theorem). I was wondering whether the above finer statements still hold. Do we have (counter-)examples?