I am looking for a nudge in the right direction on the derivation of a formula for the Total Curvature of the Caustics to a manifold (a caustic is a planar family of curves reflected by a manifold).
Background - if the Fundamental Form is positive definite, the second fundamental form can be diagonalized with respect to it, and the eigenvalues are the principal curvatures $\kappa_1, \kappa_2$. One can then define the principal radii $R_1=\kappa^{-1}_{1}$ and $R_2 = \kappa^{-1}_{2}$. The product $\kappa_1 \kappa_2$ is the Total Curvature.
Now, I am asking for a reference to a formula I have been given anecdotally, but cannot find much about in the literature, that is, for the total curvature of the Caustic ($\mathcal{C}$):
$$K_{\mathcal{C}} = - (R_1 - R_2)^2\frac{\partial R_1 / \partial u}{\partial R_2 / \partial v} \qquad (*)$$
Where $(u, v)$ are the coordinates associated with the curvature lines. Does anyone have any experience with (*) or know of a derivation?