In this interview by Eric Weinstein to Roger Penrose, Timestamp 1:24:05., what result is the host talking about?
Transcription of the relevant part:
"If you have two sets of symmetries, known as Lie groups, that act transitively on the same sphere in usual position, then either their intersection acts transitively on that sphere, or the dimension of that sphere is $15$. And I believe the intersection of the groups looks like the electro-strong group. So it's very close to the... particle spectrum of theoretical physics... pulled out of nowhere just by talking about sphere transitive group actions"
Edit: it seems like the host is trying to recall a particular result. Given how bizarre and peculiar the result seems to be (in line with dimension $4$ being special for differentiable structures on Euclidean spaces, or dimension $7$ in the case of exotic spheres), I would like to know if it's a real thing and, in case it's real, what's the exact statement.
In particular,
- I don't care if the exact quoted statement is true or false;
- I only want to know if there's a result that sounds very similar to that one and is actually true and, if you're aware of such a result, what's its exact statement.