In some problems involving ordinary differential equations, subsidiary conditions are imposed locally. In some other cases, nonlocal conditions are imposed.
In this paper: Existence and uniqueness of a classical solution to a functional-differential abstract nonlocal Cauchy problem Byszewski studied this form of functional-differential nonlocal problem:
$(1)\left\{\begin{matrix} u'(t)=f(t,u(t),u(a(t))),\:\:t\in I \\ u(t_0)+\sum_{k=1}^{p}c_ku(t_k)=x_0 \end{matrix}\right.$
With $I:=[t_0,t_0+T], t_0<t_1<...<t_p\leq t_0+T, T>0$ and $f:I\times E^2\rightarrow E \:$ and $\:a:I\rightarrow I \:$are given functions satisfying some assumptions; $E$ is a Banach space with norm $\:\left \| . \right \|; x_0\in E, c_k\neq 0 \:\:(k=1,...,p)\: p \in \mathbb N$.
And here, in the classical Robin problem: $$u''(t) + f(t,u(t),u'(t)) = 0$$
With local conditions: $u(0)= 0$ and $u'(1) = 0.$
With nonlocal conditions: $u(0)= 0$ and $u(1) = u(\eta)\;\:\eta\in(0,1)$
My question is:
-When we say that The conditions of functional-differential problem are local or nonlocal?
-In which situation we impose local or nonlocal conditions?
Thank you!