Fine estimates of covering and packing numbers of several metric spaces of functions have been obtained in the paper:
A.N. Kolmogorov, V.M. Tihomirov. $\epsilon$-entropy and
$\epsilon$-capacity of sets in functional space. Amer. Math. Soc.
Transl. (2) 17, 1961, 277-364.
I reproduce below a (particular case of a) result from that paper that seems related to your question. I keep the original notations, and specify the corresponding page numbers.
[p.279-280] If $A$ is a totally bounded (e.g. compact) metric space and $\epsilon>0$ then $\mathcal{N}_\epsilon(A)$ denotes the minimal number of sets of diameter $\le 2\epsilon$ that cover $A$, and $\mathcal{M}_\epsilon(A)$ denotes the maximal cardinality of an $\epsilon$-separated set.
The $\epsilon$-entropy and the $\epsilon$-capacity of $A$ are defined as:
\mathcal{H}_\epsilon(A) := \log \mathcal{N}_\epsilon(A) , \qquad
\mathcal{C}_\epsilon(A) := \log \mathcal{M}_\epsilon(A) \, .
(where $\log = \log_2$).
Note [p. 282] that $\mathcal{C}_{2\epsilon}(A) \le \mathcal{H}_\epsilon(A) \le \mathcal{C}_\epsilon(A)$.
[p. 296] The metric dimension of $A$ (also called box-counting dimension or Minkowski dimension) is defined as:
\mathrm{dm}(A) := \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \frac{\mathcal{H}_\epsilon(A)}{\log(1/\epsilon)} = \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \frac{\mathcal{C}_\epsilon(A)}{\log(1/\epsilon)}.
[p.307-308] Let $K$ be a compact subset of a finite-dimensional Banach space.
Given $C_0,C>0$, let $F_1^K(C_0,C)$ denote the space of functions $f : K \to \mathbb{R}$ that are $C$-Lipschitz and satisfy an uniform bound $|f(x)| \le C_0$.
We endow this set with the uniform metric $\rho(f,g):=\sup_{x\in K}|f(x)-g(x)|$, and so it is compact.
[p.308] Theorem. If $K$ has well-defined metric dimension
$\mathrm{dm}(K) = n$ (not necessarily an integer!) and
$A:=F_1^K(C_0,C)$ then:
$$ \mathcal{H}_\epsilon(A) \asymp \mathcal{C}_\epsilon(A) \asymp \frac{1}{\epsilon^n} , $$
where [p.295] $f \asymp g$ means that $f/g$ is bounded away from $0$ and $\infty$.