Can the inverse of $ \ln(x)e^x $ be finitely expressed in terms of the Lambert-W function or any other well-known transcendental functions? It is clear that a closed-form elementary function expression is unreachable.
The reason I ask is in pondering on the links between the inverse Lambert-W and some naturally arising functions of similar forms. Recall that the Lambert-W, a transcendental function, is defined as $ W(xe^x) = x. $
It is natural then to consider the inverse of functions such as $ g(x) = xe^{e^x} $ and those with further exponentiation. With a simple transformation $ z= e^x $ we can reduce $ g(x) $ to the form $ \ln(z)e^z $ as originally posed. So the broader question arises: are there tangible algebraic links between the inverses of the set $$ {xe^x, xe^{e^x},xe^{e^{e^x}}}... $$