There is a direct proof of exactly what you ask for on page 147 of:
Calegari, Danny, Foliations and the geometry of 3-manifolds, Oxford Mathematical Monographs; Oxford Science Publications. Oxford: Oxford University Press (ISBN 978-0-19-857008-0/hbk). xiv, 363 p. (2007). ZBL1118.57002.
Here Calegari provides the details of a well-known construction. Starting from the Heegaard splitting data of a fixed manifold $M$. He explains how to build a fibered link complement $M-L$. Here $L$ is the complement of the set of curves used in Lickorish's theorem (showing every manifold is Dehn surgery on a link) plus one more 'unknotted' curve.
Calegari then answers your second question using the well-known technique of "plumbing along a Hopf band" find a new fibered link complement $M-L_1$ in $M$ with 1 fewer cusp than $M-L$. This comes at the expense of raising the genus of the fiber, but can be repeated until $M-L_n$ has just one cusp. Of course, this corresponds to an open book decomposition of $M$ with a connected binding.
If you are only interested in the case of $T^3$, you can start with the Borromean Rings (pictured here) as your fibered link (see Rolfsen's Knots and Link 338 for info on a fibration of this link complement). (0,1) surgery on each component yields $T^3$ and run Calegari's argument or use one of the two examples in the comments.