
Let $F:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{Z}$ be a step function with at most $k$ discontinuities, at given rationals $a_1<a_2<\dotsc<a_k$. Let $g:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{Z}$ be given as a linear combination of at most $k$ delta functions $\delta_{b_i}$, $b_i\in \mathbb{Q}$. Can we compute $(F\ast g)(n)$ for $l$ consecutive integers $n=n_0+1,\dotsc,n_0+l$ in time roughly linear to $\max(k,l)$ (say, $O(\max(k,l) \log \max(k,l))$)?

In the case that I am truly interested in, all of $a_1,\dotsc,a_k,b_1,\dotsc,b_k$ can be written as fractions with denominator $Q$, where $Q$ is much larger than $k$ and $l$ but not enormous ($\log Q$ is small). In this case, it seems plausible to me that one could adapt a Fourier-transform-based method. Still, I'd be surprised if the question hasn't been considered before, so I'd appreciate references (or any indication of how to solve the problem more cleanly or efficiently).

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ We can obviously reduce the problem to one where $a_1,\dotsc,a_k,b_1,\dotsc,b_k$ are integers, and we wish to compute $(F\ast g)(n Q)$ for $n=n_0+1,\dotsc,n_0+l$. I believe I can see how to use a modified Cooley-Tukey method (divide-and-conquer) to compute $\widehat{F}(r Q)$ and $\widehat{g}(r Q)$, where $0\leq r<2^d$ and $F$, $g$ are being considered as functions on $\mathbb{Z}/2^d \mathbb{Z}$, $d = \lceil \log_2 l \rceil$. That gives us $\widehat{F\ast g}(r Q) = \widehat{F}(r Q) \widehat{g}(r Q)$. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem enough to give $(F\ast g)(n Q)$. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 17:32
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ (I mean that I can see how to modify Cooley-Tukey to compute $\widehat{F}(r Q)$ and $\widehat{g}(r Q)$ for $0\leq r<2^d$ in time not much more than $O(\max(r,l) \log \max(r,l))$, as opposed to proportional to $l Q \log l Q$. Still, that doesn't seem enough.) $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 18:13
  • $\begingroup$ Are you familiar with the sparse fourier transform (e.g. people.csail.mit.edu/ludwigs/papers/sp14_sfft.pdf) ? $\endgroup$
    – asd
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 19:31
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ The sparse fft assumes the transform is sparse not the function. Not obvious (to me at least) how to use it here. $\endgroup$
    – kodlu
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 21:01
  • $\begingroup$ Assume (as one may in many situations, e.g. when a Diophantine condition shows that one does not lose much by the approximation) that all $a_j$, $b_j$ are rationals with denominator $l$ in the interval [0,l]. Does the problem become any easier? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 25, 2018 at 21:16

1 Answer 1


Here is a sketch of a partial answer. Let $k=l=N$, $n_0=0$ from now on to simplify notation. I will give an algorithm producing an approximate answer that, under some broad assumptions, can be made exact in time about $O(N^{3/2} (\log N))$. That is far from time $O(N \log N)$ or $O(N^{1+\epsilon})$ (what I desire), but it is substantially better than the trivial bound $O(N^2)$.

Again for simplicity, I will assume $a_i$, $b_i$ are rationals with denominator $N$, though that is not essential in what follows. Actually, let me renormalize things so that $a_i$, $b_i$ are integers, and we are trying to determine $(F\ast g)(n N)$ for $n=0,1,\dotsc, N-1$. (None of these assumptions are really essential, but they do simplify notation.) If you wish, you may assume that $N$ is a power of $2$. We will work with Fourier transforms defined over $\mathbb{Z}/N^2 \mathbb{Z}$.

This problem reduces to that of computing $$h(n) = \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} (f\ast g)(n N +j)$$ for $n=0,1,\dotsc, N-1$, where $f$ is a linear combination of the delta functions $\delta_{a_i}$. We can of course write $h$ as a convolution of $f$, $g$ and the characteristic function $J$ of $\{0,1,\dotsc,N-1\}$.

The inverse transform of that double convolution is $\widehat{f} \cdot \widehat{g} \cdot \widehat{J}$. Now the interesting thing is that $\widehat{J}$ is concentrated in the interval $\lbrack -N,N \rbrack$. It is basically a Dirichlet kernel normalized at scale $N$. Of course one of the issues with the Dirichlet kernel is that it doesn't decay that rapidly; if only it basically vanished outside $I_C = \lbrack - C N,C N\rbrack$, we would be done.

It does seem to me that one can compute the restriction of $\widehat{f}$ and $\widehat{g}$ to $I_C$ in time $O(C N \log(N^2)) = O(N \log N)$ using a modified Cooley-Tukey algorithm. Now, if we simply replace $\widehat{J}$ by its restriction to $I_C$, we get an algorithm that runs in time $O(N \log N)$ -- but of course it would compute $\widehat{f}\cdot \widehat{g} \cdot \widehat{J}_{|I_C}$ rather than $\widehat{f}\cdot \widehat{g} \cdot \widehat{J}$.

What we can do is replace $J$ by an approximation $J_M$, equal to $J$ outside $\{0,\dotsc,M-1\} \cup \{N-M,\dotsc,N-1\}$, say. We can take $J_M$ to be a discrete approximation to the integral of a function of the form $$\jmath_M(x) = \int_0^x \left(- \frac{N}{M} \phi\left(\frac{N}{M} t\right) + \frac{N}{M} \phi\left(\frac{N}{M} (1-t)\right)\right) dt$$ for $\phi$ a bump function with support on $\lbrack 0,1\rbrack$ and very fast decay (say, $\widehat{\phi}(t) = O(e^{-\sqrt{t}})$, as is the case for a standard choice of $\phi$. Then $\widehat{J_M}$ will be all but supported on $I_{C N^2 L^2/M} = \lbrack -C N^2 L^2/M, C N^2 L^2/M\rbrack$, where $L = \log N$, and we can truncate it to such an interval with a total error of size $o(1/N)$, or even $O(1/N^{10})$. (Either should be enough; for instance, if we expect an integer as an answer at the very end, an error $<1/2$ can be eliminated by truncation. An error $<1/2$ has size $<1/2N$ relative to a result that is $\leq N$, obviously.) We can compute $\widehat{f}\cdot \widehat{g} \cdot \widehat{J_M}_{|I_{C N^2 L^2/M}} \sim \widehat{f}\cdot \widehat{g} \cdot \widehat{J_M}$ in time $O(C M L^2 N)$. Then, applying a modified Cooley-Tukey algorithm again, we obtain rather than $f\ast g\ast J_M$.

Now, the difference between $f\ast g\ast J_M$ and $f\ast g\ast J$, taken over all points $n N$, will consist of $O(N M)$ errors, assuming some mild equidistribution conditions (which will hold for typical inputs $a_i$, $b_i$). We can eliminate them by inspection in time $O(N M)$. We set $M = L \sqrt{C N}$ and are done.

I will be the first to say that I am unsatisfied with the above: (a) it takes too much time by a factor of $\sqrt{N}$; (b) it works with continuous approximations when we should be able to proceed discretely.

Still, I hope the picture is now clearer. We are allowed to sample $O(N)$ values of $\widehat{f}$ and $\widehat{g}$, and then use them to construct a function of the form $\widehat{f} \cdot \widehat{g} \cdot \eta$, with support of size $O(N)$, whose transform we can then take at $O(N)$ places.

(It would seem that we do have a question that seems somewhat related to sparse Fourier transforms, compressed sensing and the like, then, at least in a very rough sort of sense.)

Here is an obvious question. We have sampled $\widehat{f}$ and $\widehat{g}$ at all integer points in an interval $I_{C N^2 L^2/M}$. Can we sample them at a better choice of points, so that only $O(N)$ or $O(N \log N)$ points will be needed? The choice of points may depend on $f$ and $g$. (A friend points out that choosing the points to be in an arithmetic progression sounds like the worst choice possible; from that perspective, it's almost surprising that taking the points to be those in the interval $\lbrack -CN,CN\rbrack$ comes close to working.)


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