We know the answers to some questions like What is the maximal number of singularities of (reduced) plane curves of degree $d$? for general $d$ (in this case $\tfrac{1}{2}d(d-1)$, obtained by $d$ lines in general position). On the other hand, more subtle questions like Given $d$, what is the largest $n$ such that some plane curve of degree $d$ has a singular point of type $A_n$ can be really hard. Nonetheless, in small degrees, complete lists can be given and in very small degrees, the lists are actually rather short and obvious. I would really appreciate if someone could give an up to date list of the major results in the field.
Since this is probably too much asked for, here are some more, rather concrete questions:
- I am aware of Chung-Man Hui's '79 thesis Plane quartic curves classifying singularities of plane curves of degree four. Is there something similar for quintics or even sextics?
- Wall's book Singular Points of Plane Curves (most notably sections 7.5-7.7) contains relevant information. Is the information I can find there (more or less) complete and up to date?
- Back to one of the questions above, out of curiosity, for which degrees do we know the maximal $n$ such that some curve of the given degree has an $A_n$-singularity? We have: $$\begin{array}{lccccc} d & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & \cdots \\ \text{max. }A_n\text{ on a }C_d & 1 & 3^{1)} & 7^{2)} & 12^{3)} & 19^{3)} & ? \end{array}$$ 1) On an irreducible cubic, there is at worst an $A_2$. 2) On an irreducible quartic, there is at worst an $A_6$. 3) Added after JNS' answer; here, the maximal $A_n$ is attained by irreducible curves.