Let $G$ be a connected compact Lie group and let $V$ be a complex $G$-representation. Denote by $\mathbb{P}(V)$ the projectivization of the vector space $V$. I would like to ask a couple of questions about the equivariant cohomology ring $H^*_G(\mathbb{P}(V),\mathbb{Q})$.
- Under what conditions on the representation $V$ the ring $H^*_G(\mathbb{P}(V),\mathbb{Q})$ is an integer domain?
- The second question is more delicate. Suppose that $i\colon X \to \mathbb{P}(V)$ is a closed $G$-equivariant embedding of a $G$-submanifold $X$ (for example, $X$ is a closed $G$-orbit in $\mathbb{P}(V)$). Denote by $i_!1\in H^*_G(\mathbb{P}(V),\mathbb{Q})$ the image of $1\in H^0_G(X,\mathbb{Q})$ under the equivariant pushforward map $i_!\colon H^*_G(X,\mathbb{Q}) \to H^*_G(\mathbb{P}(V),\mathbb{Q})$. I would like to know under what conditions the cohomology class $i_!1$ is not a zero divisor in the ring $H^*_G(\mathbb{P}(V),\mathbb{Q})$.