$\def\Prof{\mathsf{Prof}}\def\Set{\mathsf{Set}}\def\tobar{\mathrel{\mkern3mu \vcenter{\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle+$}}\mkern-12mu{\to}}}$Let $A$ and $B$ be categories. Define a profunctor $A\tobar B$ to be a functor $B^{op}\times A \rightarrow \Set$. We can form the category of profunctors $\Prof(A,B)$ from $A$ to $B$ with natural transformations as morphisms. For $F:A\tobar B$, we can take the right Kan extension of $id_A:A⇸A$ along $F$ to get a profunctor $\mathfrak{L}(F):B \tobar A$. Explicitly, $$ \mathfrak{L}(F)(a,b) = \int_{a'} \Set(F(b,a'),A(a,a')). $$
See these (1, 2) questions for some more discussion of this map.
Note that $\mathfrak{L}(F)$ is contravariant in $F$, so it's a functor $\Prof(A,B) \rightarrow \Prof(B,A)^{op}$. Note also that $\mathfrak{L}(F)$ is sometimes adjoint to $F$, but not always. A sufficient condition is that $F$ is a representable profunctor.
Question 1: Is $\mathfrak{L}$ an equivalence of categories?
Question 2: If the answer to Question 1 is no, is $\Prof(A,B)$ equivalent to $\Prof(B,A)^{op}$ or $\Prof(B,A)$ at all?
Right now, I'm primarily looking at the ordinary $\Set$-enriched case. If there's a reference that looks at these questions more generally, I'd be glad to read it.