Some Maass form can be written ($K_{iR}$ is the K-Bessel function):
$$f(x+iy)=\sum_{n \ne 0}^{\infty} a_n \sqrt{y} \;K_{iR}(2\pi |n| y) \; e^{2 i\pi nx}$$
with the $a_n$ multiplicative, but inversly if I fix multiplicative coefficients, for example $a_n=\frac{\chi(n)}{\sqrt{|n|}}$ can I expect the function defined by following sum to have some properties of Maass forms?
$$g(x+iy)=\sum_{n\ne 0}^{\infty} \frac{\chi(n)}{\sqrt{|n|}} \sqrt{y} \;K_{iR}(2\pi |n|y) \; e^{2 i\pi nx}$$
For example to have $g(\frac{az+b}{cz+d})$ linked with $g(z)$ for certain $a,b,c,d$ like for a Maass form ? Or there is nothing to expect ?
Any reference on the demonstration of multiplicative property of Maass form coefficients ? (I found plenty references for classic modular forms but less for Maass forms and generaly there is no detail)