From pari's implementation of Coppersmith method
zncoppersmith(P, N, X, {B=N}): finds all integers $x$ with $|x| \le X$ such that $\gcd(N, P(x)) \ge B$. $X$ should be smaller than
$$\exp((\log B)^2 / (\deg(P) \log N)) \qquad (1) $$
Observe that this might find non-trivial factor and pari's documentation gives example of this.
Linear $P(x)$ is allowed and looks like the content (the gcd of coefficients) of $P(x)$ need not be $1$.
I believe this algorithm (if successful) might find non-trivial factor for general $N$.
Let $v$ be positive integer and set $P(x)=v(x-1), N=nv$ where $n$ is integer to be factored.
For a divisor $d$ of $n$, $\gcd(P(d+1),N)=dv$.
With few guesses, one can find $v,X,B$ such that (1) holds.
Experimentally, for very small $n$, this indeed factors $n$.
Examining the source, I believe this is explained by small $N$ handled specially.
For larger $N$, the algorithm, doesn't return in reasonable
time and debugging info shows signs of infinite loop, possibly
caused by C double
Q1 When Coppersmith's algorithm is polynomial and this approach factors $n$? Is the content the only obstacle?