By Tennenbaum's theorem, in the usual sense of computability for models, neither addition nor multiplication can be computable in a countable non-standard model of PA.
Weak version:
Can addition or multiplication become computable if non-equality only needs to be computably enumerable, rather than computable?
In other words, can there be a countable structure on which [either addition is computable or multiplication is computable] and some quotient of that structure is a non-standard model of PA?
If I understand the proof of the addition version of Tennenbaum's theorem correctly, then for addition to be computable there would need to be a representative $r_0$ of a non-standard number such that $\{r : r\text{ represents the same element as }r_0\}$ is not computably enumerable.
I'm mainly after an answer to either version, rather than both, so the following will be quite strong.
Super-Strong version:
Are there a computable function $d : \{0,1,2,3,\ldots\}^2 \to \mathbb{Q}$ and binary operations $+_M$ and $\times_M$ on $\{0,1,2,3,\ldots\}$ (by Tennenbaum, they can't be computable) such that
- composing d with the inclusion from $\mathbb{Q}$ to the real numbers gives a metric and
- the induced metric space is complete and
- there is an algorithm that approximates $+_M$ and $\times_M$ to arbitrary accuracy and
- $+_M$ and $\times$ make $\{0,1,2,3,\ldots\}$ into the non-standard part of a model of PA
The standard part could just be put in with distance 1 from everything, so requiring it to be a non-standard part is stronger than requiring it be a full non-standard model.
Furthermore, we can get a non-standard model in the sense of the weak version from any witnesses to the truth of the Super-Strong version, by taking the set of well formed expression using ${0, 1,{+},{\times}, {(\; , )}}$ and elements of the metric space, and noting that both operations are computable.