You can do it as an exercise, following the strategy in Dal'bo-Otal-Peigné "Série de Poincaré des groupes géométriquement finis", Israel J math. 118 (2000). See here, in french :
To compute the measure $\mu(T^1C_t)$ of your cusp, you find a nice fundamental domain for the action of the stabilizer $\Pi$ of your cusp on the universal cover, and your problem becomes to
compute a sum over the elements $p\in \Pi$ such that the distance $d(o,p.o)$ is at least $2t$, which should, at the end, and if I did not do any mistake in a rapid computation, be comparable to something like
$$\sum_{n\ge 2t} ne^{(\delta_\Pi-\delta_\Gamma)n}$$ , where $\delta_\Pi$ is the critical exponent of the parabolic subgroup associated to the cusp that you consider ($\delta_\Pi=r/2$ where $r$ is the rank of your cusp, and $\delta_\Gamma$ is the critical exponent of $\Gamma$.
This strategy does not use directly the Shadow Lemma (that you call Stratmann Velani Global measure formula, I guess), but the conformity properties of the Patterson measures at infinity.
If you need to read this kind of argument in english, we used it for a different purpose here (section 5.2) : but the original (french) version of Dal'bo Otal Peigné is closer from what you need.