While this should be a comment rather than an answer, I cannot comment yet since I've just joined, and figured that the following points could be useful at least so figured I'd post them (although you may already be familiar).
1) One thing that is known, which is related to your question, is the trivial character induced from Sp(2n,q) to SL(2n,q) is multiplicity-free. The trivial character induced from Sp(2n,q) to GL(2n,q) is also multiplicity-free and given explicitly in the paper:
N.F.J. Inglis and J. Saxl, An explicit model for the complex representations of the finite general linear groups, Arch. Math. (Basel) 57 (1991), no. 5, 424–431.
You can use that decomposition to understand the decomposition when induced up to SL(2n,q). The possible relevance here is that the Steinberg is the Alvis-Curtis dual of the trivial character, which you may be able to take advantage of.
2) A less relevant, but still possibly helpful paper, is:
An, Jianbei and Hiss, Gerhard
Restricting the Steinberg character in finite symplectic groups,
J. Group Theory 9 (2006), no. 2, 251–264.
In this paper, they restrict the Steinberg of Sp(2n,q) down to a specific maximal parabolic.