A number field $K$ is said to have a power basis if there is an $\alpha \in K$ such that the full ring of integers $O_K$ is the $\mathbb{Z}$-linear span of $1,\alpha,\alpha^2,\ldots,\alpha^{\deg{K}-1}$. In other words, $O_K = \mathbb{Z}[\alpha]$; another term for this is monogenic. This happens for example for the quadratic and the cyclotomic fields. The monogenic number fields are presumably very rare; results of Bhargava imply that they are a negligible fraction (zero density) among the number fields of degree $3, 4$, or $5$, and this is conjectured to hold in every fixed degree $d > 2$.
It is easily seen that totally $p$-adic number fields of degree $d$ are never monogenic for $d \gg p$. (To illustrate this, consider that the split primes in the cyclotomic field of level $N$ are the ones $\equiv 1 \mod{N}$; so they are in particular $> N > \phi(N)$.)
Question. Are there monogenic totally real number fields of arbitrarily high degree?
To put it differently: for totally real algebraic integers of arbitrarily high degree, may the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\alpha]$ be integrally closed?
Dummit and Kisilevsky [Indices in cyclic cubic fields, in "Number Theory and Algebra," 1977] have shown that infinitely many totally real cubic fields have a power basis. There exist totally real monogenic sextic fields; an example, taken at will from page 116 of [I. Gaal, Diophantine Equations and Power Integral Bases: New Computational Methods] is the field generated by a root of $$ X^6 - 5X^5 +2X^4 +18X^3 - 11X^2 -19X+1. $$ Are there examples of higher degree?