Let $G$ be a connected Lie Group and $K<G$ a maximal compact subgroup.
Denote by $\Omega^q(G/K)^G$ the $G$-invariant real-valued $q$-forms on the manifold $G/K$, i.e. those forms $\omega$ s.t. $g^*\omega=\omega$, where $g$ denotes the left translation mapping $hK$ to $(gh)K$.
Evaluation at the identity $eK$ yields an isomorphism $$\Omega^q(G/K)^G\cong\hom_{\mathfrak k}(\Lambda^q\mathfrak{g/k},\mathbb{R})$$
where $\mathfrak g$ and $\mathfrak k$ denote the Lie Algebras of $G$ and $K$.
I understand that a $G$-invariant form is determined by its values at the identity and so the isomorphism is given by mapping $\omega$ to $\omega_{eK}$.
But what does $\hom_{\mathfrak k}$ mean? Maybe $\mathfrak k$-equivariant? But what is the $\mathfrak k$-action and and why isn't it just $\mathbb R$-linear homomorphisms?