Mein lieber Stefan,
I think that these sorts of questions are wide-open. As far as I know, even if you fix the number field, and vary over AVs up to some fixed dimension, then it is not clear that there exists a bound on the possible degrees of your $\psi$ (which I'm guessing is a cyclic isogeny). You in any case have to be careful of complex multiplications; for example, if you have an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}(i)$ with CM by the maximal order, then you can create $\mathbb{Q}(i)$-rational prime-degree isogenies for every prime that splits in $\mathbb{Z}[i]$. But if you exclude these CM isogenies, then I think it is believed that such a bound on cyclic isogeny degrees for AVs exists.
But even pushing Mazur's isogeny theorem to number fields is fairly recent stuff; we can now say that, if $K$ is a number field not containing the Hilbert Class Field of an imaginary quadratic field, and GRH is true, then there are only finitely many prime-degree isogenies for elliptic curves over $K$; this goes back to Momose, but with some refinements by Agnès David; see also the work of Larson and Vaintrob. These bounds are, however, quite big. I once computed the bound for $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5})$ by computing all the constants in David's paper "Caractère d'isogénie..." and got something like $10^{120}$!
Serre's open image theorem holds for abelian varieties $A/K$ of dimension 2,6 and odd, where $End(A) = \mathbb{Z}$; so there is a bound $C(A,K)$ such that, for all primes $l > C(A,K)$, the mod-$l$ representation is surjective. It is believed that this constant can be made independent of $A$. So, if you fix your base $K$, and vary over all AVs $A/K$ of fixed dimension $d$ (=2,6,or odd) which have no extra endomorphisms, then the prime-degree isogenies are bounded by a constant depending only on $K$. But as you well know, this uniformity conjecture is still open even for elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$!
The paper "Expander Graphs, gonality, and variation of Galois Representations" by Ellenberg, Hall, and Kowalski has some interesting results about families of AVs; see theorems 4 and 7, for example. In particular, if you have a family of AVs over a number field $K$, then there is an absolute constant $C$ such that, if $l > C$, then almost all members of the family have "large" mod-$l$ image. And (morally) "large" image means you don't get isogenies or torsion. See their paper for more details.
Finally, regarding your subquestion about torsion: François gave a link to a paper of Clark and Xarles where they address the question of bounding torsion primes for certain classes of AVs. In particular, they prove that a "generalised Szpiro conjecture" implies uniform boundedness of torsion for all "Hilbert-Blumenthal" abelian varieties. But it seems that doing this for all abelian varieties of a fixed dimension is very hard.