One operad that's popped up in my work is the kind of operad that has the same formal properties as the endomorphism operad of a space $X$, provided $X$ is equipped with an action of a topological group $G$. Level $n$ of the endomorphism operad is just the space of maps $Map(X^n, X)$, but we think of this space as one with an action of the group
$$ G \times (\Sigma_n \ltimes G^n) \equiv G \times (\Sigma_n \wr G). $$
I sometimes denote this group $\Sigma^*_n \wr G$, and the family of groups $\Sigma^* \wr G$. I've been calling these operads $\Sigma^* \wr G$-operads as I thought the name was kind of harmless and more or less descriptive.
The free objects over this operad look like a disjoint union of rooted trees, where the vertices of the trees are decorated by points in the generating $\Sigma^*_k \wr G$-spaces. There is an equivalence relation on these decorated trees, generated by one relation for each edge of the trees -- corresponding to the endomorphism operad's equivariance.
These types of operads come up (and are useful) with $G$ being various orthogonal groups, or diffeomorphism groups of balls (or other automorphism groups of balls) for certain embedding spaces, like spaces of knots. For classical knots, like knots in the 3-sphere, there is an almost free operad of this type that describes the homotopy-type of the space of knots completely, up to the computation of certain (finite) symmetry groups of some hyperbolic links in $S^3$. The operads I'm talking about I call splicing operads. These are subspaces of $Map(X^n,X)$ but in this case, $X$ is a ball, and the maps are smooth maps with various restrictions on them (to get knots of various types).