I expect this is a classical question, so feel free to point me to classical answers: what is the fastest-growing function $f(t)$ for which we know that $$ |2^t - 3^{t'}| \ge f(\min(t,t')) \;? $$ In particular, do we know that the gaps between powers of 2 and powers of 3 get exponentially large as $t,t'$ increase? Do we know anything like this for any other pair of integers besides 2 and 3?
$\begingroup$ It seems that by Khinchin's theorem, if $\log(3)/\log(2)$ is a typical real number (in some lebesgue measure sense), then $f(x)=3x/(x\log(x)^2)$ would do with at most finitely many exceptions. $\endgroup$– Yaakov BaruchCommented Aug 7, 2017 at 18:10
1$\begingroup$ See also this blog-entry of T.Tao terrytao.wordpress.com/2011/08/25/… $\endgroup$– Gottfried HelmsCommented Oct 12, 2019 at 9:05
4 Answers
What you need is the theory of lower bounds for linear forms in logarithms. A good place to start reading about this is the following article by Evertse:
In particular, Corollary 1.8 of the article (a Corollary to a famous theorem of Matveev) gives
$$ \lvert 2^a-3^b \rvert \ge \frac{\max(2^a,3^b)}{(e \max(a,b))^{C}} $$ where $C$ is a positive constant (that is easily computable--see the proof and also the statement of Theorem 1.7).
8$\begingroup$ Can you give a rough and ready estimate of $C$ for those who just want to be impressed with this neat result? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 21, 2012 at 11:05
3$\begingroup$ I just composed an answer with a heuristic for the approximants according to the continued fractions of $\log_2(3)$. For that heuristic it seems $C=1.06$ is a good choice allowing only two exceptions, and $C=1.22$ has no exceptions at all up to $b=2^80$ $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 7, 2017 at 17:01
1$\begingroup$ The number $C$ computed by the formula in the linked article by inserting values in the formula $C= e*2^{3.5}*30^5*1*\log(3) $ is $C=821013300.694...$ (if I'm not messing up some things). I think there should far smaller values be available meanwhile... $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 10:55
$\begingroup$ @Siksek - you might like to see my picture for some suggestion for the choice of $C$ in my updated answer above. Can I actually use that picture's suggestion? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 27, 2019 at 12:25
I guess you expect $t$ and $t'$ to be integers. In this case, having a small $2^p-3^q$ is related to having a small $\frac{\log 3}{\log 2} - \frac{p}{q}$. So it's Diophantine approximation, and this is very well studied. The first result in Diophantine approximation is that there exists an infinity of rational $p/q$ such that $$ \left|\frac{\log 3}{\log 2} - \frac{p}{q}\right| < \frac{1}{q^2}. $$ In which case it's not hard to compute that $$ \left| 2^p - 3^q \right| = \mathcal{O}\left( \frac{3^q}{q} \right). $$ This is valid of course for all $2$'s and $3$'s.
If now you want lower bounds, then you will need to know a upper bound for the irrationality measure of $\frac{\log 3}{\log 2}$, which is hard to get, but hopefully someone did it. Do you want more details ?
Let $\epsilon = p \log 2 - q \log 3$. In particular, $|\epsilon| < \frac{\log 2}{q}$. We compute that $$\left| 2^p - 3^q \right| = 3^q \left| 1 - \exp(\epsilon) \right|$$
As $q\to \infty$, we have $\epsilon \to 0$ so $1-\exp(\epsilon) = \mathcal{O}(\epsilon) = \mathcal{O}(q^{-1})$. Thus $$ \left| 2^p - 3^q \right| = \mathcal{O}\left( \frac{3^q}{q} \right). $$
$\begingroup$ Apologies, but what does "This is valid of course for all $2$'s and $3$'s" mean? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 29, 2018 at 14:54
1$\begingroup$ @samerivertwice I take it to mean that you can replace $2$ and $3$ with any two integers that aren't rational powers of each other, and the "same" result holds. Certainly any two primes, or relatively prime numbers. If there's a common factor, it can be pulled out and fed to the big-O. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 5, 2021 at 14:34
$\begingroup$ From $$ \left|\frac{\log 3}{\log 2} - \frac{p}{q}\right| < \frac{1}{q^2} $$ I get to $$ max(\frac{3^q}{2^p}, \frac{2^p}{3^q}) < 2^{\frac{1}{q}} $$ , but I didn't find the way to your formula with big-O notation. Can you add details how to get there? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 5, 2022 at 12:26
$\begingroup$ I'm currently proposing the installation of a "BigList" on known such bounds, see meta.mathoverflow.net/q/5423/7710 $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 16, 2022 at 8:43
I was a little hesitant to post the following thing after the very thorough answers and references, yet it contains a concrete inequality, and may be of interest as a first elementary approach towards the full complexity of the problem.
The idea is that if $2^t$ and $3^ {t'}$ are too close to each other, then $2^{t+1}$ is close to $2\cdot3^{t'}$, hence it is roughy in the middle between $3^ {t'}$ and $3^ {t'+1}$, and therefore far from any power of $3$. To make this into a more quantitative form: assume that $t$ and $t'$ satisfy $$|2^t -3^ {t'}| < \frac{1}{5} 2^t\, .$$ Then it follows plainly
$$ 3^ {t'} + \frac{1}{5} 2^t < 2^{t+1} < 3^ {t'+1} - \frac{2}{5} 2^t \, .$$ Therefore the closest power of $3$ to $2^{t+1}$ is either $3^ {t'}$ or $3^ {t'+1}$, in any case not closer than $ \frac{1}{5} 2^{t+1}$. This tell us that the inequality $$\min _ {t'\in\mathbb{N}} |2^t -3^ {t'}| > \frac{1}{5} 2^t$$ holds for at least one out of two consecutive integers $t$ and $t+1$. So at least half of the powers of $2$, in a density sense, have a distance from the powers of three of at least one fifth of their size.
Just to satisfy the curiosity of @FelixGoldberg and other cursory readers. Here is a heuristic which pointed me to try to use $C=1.06$ for an example.
We look at the distances
$$\left|1-{3^b\over2^a}\right| \overset{???}\ge { 1\over (e \cdot a)^C} $$
with $a \gt b$ and $2^a \gt 3^b$ (fixing the $\max()$-terms.
In the table $w=\log_2\left|1-{3^b\over2^a}\right| $ and $u=-\log_2 (e a)$. The quotient $w/u$ should give an impression of the missing factor $C$, and in this table for all except $2$ cases ( idx=15,idx=21 ) a value of $C=1.06$ suffices to make the inequality true.
The table reports the cases according to the continued fraction of $ß=\log_23)$ so only the best possible approximants (with $2^a \gt 3^b$) are displayed (the convergents, each second of them)
idx b a log2(b) log2(a) w u w/u 1.06*u
3 1 2 0.E-201 1.00000 -2.00000 -2.44270 0.818768 -2.58926
5 5 8 2.32193 3.00000 -4.29956 -4.44270 0.967782 -4.70926
7 41 65 5.35755 6.02237 -6.45514 -7.46506 0.864714 -7.91297
9 306 485 8.25739 8.92184 -9.93479 -10.3645 0.958537 -10.9864
11 15601 24727 13.9294 14.5938 -15.7461 -16.0365 0.981894 -16.9987
13 79335 SSSSS 16.2757 16.9401 -18.0579 -18.3828 0.982323 -19.4858
15 NNNNN SSSSS 17.5397 18.2042 -23.8860 -19.6469 1.21576 -20.8257
17 NNNNN SSSSS 23.3620 24.0265 -26.2877 -25.4692 1.03214 -26.9973
19 NNNNN SSSSS 27.3572 28.0217 -29.0580 -29.4644 0.986209 -31.2322
21 NNNNN SSSSS 28.5666 29.2311 -33.1373 -30.6738 1.08031 -32.5142
23 NNNNN SSSSS 32.6169 33.2814 -36.5236 -34.7241 1.05182 -36.8075
25 NNNNN SSSSS 37.0009 37.6654 -40.0173 -39.1081 1.02325 -41.4546
27 NNNNN SSSSS 42.2986 42.9630 -43.7861 -44.4057 0.986046 -47.0701
29 NNNNN SSSSS 43.3957 44.0601 -46.1400 -45.5028 1.01400 -48.2330
31 NNNNN SSSSS 48.6152 49.2797 -49.4134 -50.7224 0.974193 -53.7657
33 NNNNN SSSSS 52.3527 53.0172 -53.0620 -54.4599 0.974331 -57.7275
35 NNNNN SSSSS 56.8562 57.5206 -58.9521 -58.9633 0.999810 -62.5011
37 NNNNN SSSSS 58.4640 59.1284 -62.5155 -60.5711 1.03210 -64.2054
39 NNNNN SSSSS 62.0089 62.6734 -65.0073 -64.1161 1.01390 -67.9630
41 NNNNN SSSSS 64.5731 65.2376 -66.4207 -66.6803 0.996108 -70.6811
43 NNNNN SSSSS 66.0744 66.7389 -67.9931 -68.1815 0.997236 -72.2724
45 NNNNN SSSSS 67.4786 68.1431 -73.2504 -69.5858 1.05266 -73.7609
47 NNNNN SSSSS 74.7217 75.3861 -81.0514 -76.8288 1.05496 -81.4386
49 NNNNN SSSSS 80.5354 81.1999 -82.0659 -82.6426 0.993022 -87.6011
The Pari/GP script is
fmt(200,8) \\ internal precision 200 dec digits, user-procedure
{e=exp(1);l3=log(3);l2=log(2);ld3 = l3/l2;
cf = contfrac(ld3);
cvgts= mkContFracConvergents(cf,50) ; \\ user-procedure
a=cvgts[1,i]; \\ ===> a > b and also 2^a > 3^b
ix++; listlogs[ix]=[i,
if(b<100 000,b,'NNNNN), if(a<100 000,a,'SSSSS),
log(b)/l2, log(a)/l2,
w=log((1.0-2^(ld3*b-a)))/l2, u=-log(e*a)/l2,
w/u , 1.06*u];
Remark: a bit more introduction and tables and graphs for $b \to 10^{10800} \approx 2^{36000} $ can be found at my pages . Note, that I use $N$ for what we use $b$ here, and $S$ for what we use $a$ here, thus discussing $2^S-3^N$.
update A better visualization of the properties of selecting some constant $C=1+\epsilon$ using up to $b =10^{1000}$ taken from the convergents of the continued fraction of $\log(3)/\log(2)$
I show how empirically the values of $C(b)$ were when $a,b$ are inserted in the formula and $C(b)$ is computed. The image shows, that the empirical $C(b)$ are except in two cases smaller than $C=1.06$ and moreover, that possibly we can choose any $C=1+\epsilon$ and getting only finitely many cases where not $C(b) \le C$
Legend: In the picture I used my standard-notation $N$ for $b$ here and $S$ for $a$ here.