Let us call the $\ell_1$-product of intervals $[0,k_1]\times...\times [0,k_n]$ a brick of size $k_1+...+k_n$. Consider a tessellation $T$ of $\mathbb{R^n}$ by (shifted) bricks so that every point belongs to at most $n+1$ bricks and the $\ell_1$-distance between any two disjoint bricks is at least 1 (thus every two bricks can share only the boundary points). Let $s(T)$ be the maximal size of a brick in that tessellation. Let $s(n)$ be the minimum of all $s(T)$. For example, $s(1)=1$ (we tessellate $\mathbb{R}$ by intervals $[i,i+1]$), $s(2)\le 3$ (we can tessellate ${\mathbb R}^2$ by $2\times 1$-bricks so that each point belongs to at most 3 bricks). It is easy to have a tessellation with $s(T) \sim 2^n$, so $s(n)$ is at most exponential.
Question. What is $s(n)$? Does $s(n)$ grow exponentially with $n$?
Update It looks like the question is completely answered when we assume that all bricks are isometric by Will (upper bound) and Eric (lower bound). What if we tile by different bricks? How about arbitrary convex regions (same properties: every point belongs to at most $n+1$ regions, every two disjoint rejions are at distance at least 1, and, of course, different regions may share only boundary points)? Can we achive livear upper bound on the diameter of a tile? Can there be a constant upper bound?