
Assume that $\Sigma$ is a stricly convex surface in $\mathbb{E}^3$ homeomorphic to a sphere. Further, assume that $p_0,\ p_1\in \Sigma$ are intersection points with planes $z=0,\ z=1$ and the surface $\Sigma$ is between the two planes. Then $p_1$ is a cut point of $p_0$ ? (I do not know whether or not this is true)

Definition : Consider a intrinsic metric on $\Sigma$, a length of simple path. Then $p_1$ is not a cut point of $p_0$ if there is unique shortest path from $p_0$ to any point sufficiently close to $p_1$.

  • $\begingroup$ Could you please define "cut point"? Thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 21:00
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the definition. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 22:33
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Counterexample : Consider a chart $T(u,v)=(0,u,0)+f(u)(\cos\ v,0,\sin\ v),\ f(u)=1-u^4,\ -1\leq u\leq 1,\ v\in [-\frac{\pi}{2}-\epsilon,\frac{\pi}{2}+\epsilon]$ for the surface. Here $T(0,v)$ is a geodesic and sectional curvature is zero along the geodesic so that Jacobi field is $t(0,1,0)$ along $T(0,t+\frac{\pi}{2})$ $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 25, 2020 at 1:17

2 Answers 2



It is clear that this is true for a sphere, but cutting of a spherical cap from the sphere leaves the intersection points with the planes the same, but now there is a unique shortest path through this new flat area.


Of course you can make this object strictly convex, differentiable etc. by smoothing out the cut.


Intuitively, it seems that there is no reason that $p_1$ in a tilted ellipsoid is a cut point of $p_0$. Because the orientation of the ellipsoid is a global issue (i.e., the location of $p_0$ and $p_1$ change with the tilt), whereas cut-point-ness is intrinsic.

In this symmetric example, perhaps there are a pair of equal-length geodesics connecting $p_0$ to $p_1$, but if I arranged $\Sigma$ to be asymmetric with respect to the coordinate axes, there would be a unique shortest geodesic connecting those two $z=0,1$ tangency points.


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