Let $\Omega$ be a bounded smooth convex domain in $\mathbb{R}^3$, then consider the following minimization problem:
$$\inf_{c \in \overline{\Omega}} f(c), \quad f(c) := \int_{\partial \Omega} |x-c| d \sigma_x,$$ where $\sigma$ is the surface measure.
If $\Omega$ is a ball, then it is easy to prove that the infimum is attained only at the center of the ball. I guess for a generic fixed convex domain $\Omega$, the infimum should be attained at the "center" of $\Omega$, but I've no idea how to prove or disprove it, and also I don't know if the "center" is the standard meaning, that is, $c=\frac{\int_{\Omega} x dx}{|\Omega|} $.
Any comment or hint would be really appreciated.