
Wilson's theorem (actually proven by Lagrange) from elementary number theory states that: If $n\ge 2$ is an integer, then $$ (n-1)! \equiv \begin{cases} \hfill -1 \pmod {n} &\text{ if } n \text{ is prime}\\ \hfill 2 \pmod {n} &\text{ if } n=4\\ \hfill 0 \pmod {n} &\text{ if } n \text{ is composite, } n\ne 4 \end{cases}. $$

Gauss's generalization of Wilson's theorem (the proof of which Gauss skips in Disquisitiones Arithemeticae, article 78, for the sake of "brevity") states that: For positive integers $n$, $$ \prod_{\substack{k\in[n]\\ \gcd(k,n)=1}}{k} \equiv \begin{cases} \hfill -1 \pmod {n} &\text{if } n=1,2,4,p^{\alpha},2p^{\alpha}\\ \hfill 1 \pmod {n} &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}, $$ where $p$ is any odd prime and $\alpha$ is any positive integer.

This classification matches exactly the moduli for which there exists a primitive root. This seems to be too much of a coincidence, given the unusual form of the satisfying moduli. I have read the proof of Gauss's generalization in Øystein Ore's Number Theory and its History (p. 263-267), but it makes no reference to primitive roots, nor did I find any proof anywhere that uses primitive roots.

Question: Is there a link between Gauss's generalization of Wilson's theorem and the classification of moduli for which there exist a primitive root? There is the superficial link of course, that the two conclusions are the same, but I am wondering if it is possible that one of the results may be proven using the other. Other non-superficial observations are welcome.

This is somewhat related to an earlier question that I asked on math.stackexchange.


2 Answers 2


I will show the two results are non-superficially related by showing one of them implies the other: the classification of moduli $n \geq 2$ for which the unit group $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times$ is cyclic implies Gauss' generalization of Wilson's theorem.

The proof is presented in three steps. All the basic ideas are present in the case of odd $n$, which doesn't need the third step. Handling even $n$ is mostly a matter of tedious details.

Step 1: For $n \geq 2$, if $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times$ is cyclic, then $\prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u \equiv -1 \bmod n$.

Proof: The result is obvious for $n = 2$, so we can take $n \geq 3$, which implies $\varphi(n)$ is even. Let $g$ be generator of $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times$. Then $$ \prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u = \prod_{0 \leq k \leq \varphi(n)-1} g^k = g^{\varphi(n)(\varphi(n)-1)/2} \bmod n. $$ Since $g$ has order $\varphi(n)$, which is even, $g^{\varphi(n)/2}$ has order 2 in $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times$, so it must be $-1$ (the only element of order $2$ in the cyclic group $(\mathbf Z/(n)^\times$). Thus $$ g^{\varphi(n)(\varphi(n)-1)/2} = \left(g^{\varphi(n)/2}\right)^{\varphi(n)-1} = (-1)^{\varphi(n)-1} = -1 \bmod n $$ since $\varphi(n)-1$ is odd.

Step 1 covers the cases $n = 2$, $4$, $p^\alpha$, and $2p^\alpha$ where $p$ is an odd prime and $\alpha \geq 1$. The next two steps handle the remaining $n$.

Step 2: For odd $n > 1$ that is not a prime power, $\prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u \equiv 1 \bmod n$.

Proof: To prove that product over units in $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times$ is $1$, it suffices to show for each prime power $p^\alpha\mid\mid n$ that the product is $1 \bmod p^\alpha$ (then use the Chinese remainder theorem).

Write $n = p^\alpha m$, so $\gcd(p^\alpha,m) = 1$. The natural reduction homomorphism $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times \to (\mathbf Z/(p^\alpha))^\times$ is surjective, so each unit mod $p^\alpha$ is the reduction of $\varphi(n)/\varphi(p^\alpha)$ units mod $n$, and $\varphi(n)/\varphi(p^\alpha) = \varphi(m)$. Thus $$ \prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u \equiv \left(\prod_{v \in (\mathbf Z/(p^\alpha))^\times} v\right)^{\varphi(m)} \bmod p^\alpha. $$ The group $(\mathbf Z/(p^\alpha))^\times$ is cyclic, so by Step 1 the product over $v$ on the right side is $-1 \bmod p^\alpha$ and the exponent $\varphi(m)$ is even because $m \geq 3$ (this is where we use the fact that $n$ is odd and not a prime power), so the right side of the displayed congruence above is $1 \bmod p^\alpha$.

Step 3: For even $n > 1$ that is not $2$, $4$, or $2p^\alpha$ for an odd prime $p$, $\prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u \equiv 1 \bmod n$.

Write $n = 2^\beta n'$ for $\beta \geq 1$ and odd $n' \geq 1$. We describe these $n$ in three ways: (i) $n = 2^\beta$ for $\beta \geq 3$, (ii) $n = 2n'$ where $n' > 1$ is not a prime power, or (iii) $n = 2^\beta n'$ where $\beta \geq 2$ and $n' \geq 3$.

(i): $n = 2^\beta$ for $\beta \geq 3$. Show by induction on $\beta$ that the solutions of $x^2 \equiv 1 \bmod 2^\beta$ are $x \equiv \pm 1, \pm(1+ 2^{\beta-1}) \bmod 2^\beta$, which are all distinct since $\beta \geq 3$. Therefore $$ \prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(2^\beta))^\times} u \equiv (-1)(1+2^{\beta-1})(-(1+2^{\beta-1})) \equiv 1 \bmod 2^\beta. $$

(ii): $n = 2n'$ where $n' > 1$ is not a prime power. We will argue as in Step 2. The natural reduction homomorphism $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times \to (\mathbf Z/(n'))^\times$ is surjective, so each unit mod $n'$ is the reduction of $\varphi(n)/\varphi(n')$ units mod $n$. Since $\varphi(n) = \varphi(2n') = \varphi(2)\varphi(n') = \varphi(n')$, $\varphi(n)/\varphi(n') = 1$, so $$ \prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u \equiv \prod_{v \in (\mathbf Z/(n'))^\times} v\bmod n'. $$ Since $n' > 1$ is odd and not a prime power, the product on the right side of the displayed congruence is $1 \bmod n'$ by Step 2. So the product on the left side of the displayed congruence is $1 \bmod n'$. It is also $1 \bmod 2$ since units mod $n$ are odd. Therefore $\prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u$ is $1 \bmod n'$ and $1 \bmod 2$, which makes it $1 \bmod n$.

(iii) $n = 2^\beta n'$ where $\beta \geq 2$ and $n' \geq 3$. Using the same method as in Step 2, to show $\prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u$ is $1 \bmod n$, it suffices to show the product is $1 \bmod 2^\beta$ and $1 \bmod n'$.

First we show the product is $1 \bmod n'$. The natural reduction homomorphism $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times \to (\mathbf Z/(n'))^\times$ is surjective, so each unit mod $n'$ is the reduction of $\varphi(n)/\varphi(n')$ units mod $n$, and $\varphi(n)/\varphi(n') = \varphi(2^\beta)$. Thus $$ \prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u \equiv \left(\prod_{v \in (\mathbf Z/(n'))^\times} v\right)^{\varphi(2^\beta)} \bmod n'. $$ On the right side, the product over units modulo $n'$ is $-1 \bmod n'$ if $n'$ is a prime power (Step 1) and it is $1 \bmod n'$ if $n'$ is not a prime power (Step 2). Since $\varphi(2^\beta)$ is even, $$ \left(\prod_{v \in (\mathbf Z/(n'))^\times} v\right)^{\varphi(2^\beta)} \equiv (\pm 1)^{\rm even} \equiv 1 \bmod n'. $$

To show the product is $1 \bmod 2^\beta$, swap the roles of $2^\beta$ and $n'$ in the previous argument to get $$ \prod_{u \in (\mathbf Z/(n))^\times} u \equiv \left(\prod_{v \in (\mathbf Z/(2^\beta))^\times} v\right)^{\varphi(n')} \equiv (\pm 1)^{\rm even} \equiv 1 \bmod 2^\beta. $$

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Beautiful. It's a pleasure to read your detailed response. More so because I believe you are Keith Conrad, whose expository papers on elementary number theory helped me as a high school olympiad student and later as an undergraduate. I actually wondered if you might respond, as this seemed to be your kind of a problem! Would it be alright if I included a version of your proof here in some books that I have written (currently in editing stage)? I would write up my own rendition and give you credit, of course. $\endgroup$
    – Favst
    Commented Jun 20, 2022 at 22:17
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ That's fine, but while it's nice to see Gauss' generalization of Wilson's theorem is a consequence of the classification of $n$ for which the units mod $n$ are cyclic (that's what you asked about here, and I didn't known it before), I think it makes Gauss' generalization seem harder than it really is. All you need to know about the units mod $n$ to get Gauss' result is the number of solutions to $x^2 \equiv 1 \bmod n$, which can be done with the Chinese remainder theorem and some simple calculations modulo prime powers, just as in Ore's book. That is much simpler than the method I wrote above. $\endgroup$
    – KConrad
    Commented Jun 20, 2022 at 23:51
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. While there is simplicity in Ore's exposition, I actually prefer your method for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it illuminates a reason for why the two results have similarities. Secondly, although the primitive root theorem is a strong result to be using, I feel that your proof is less ad hoc than Ore's. Also, it provides a nice application of the primitive root theorem in my modular exponentiation chapter. $\endgroup$
    – Favst
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 0:02
  • $\begingroup$ What other applications of the primitive root theorem do you have? In many places I've seen people appeal to $(\mathbf Z/(p))^\times$ being cyclic to prove Euler's criterion $a \equiv \Box \bmod p \Longleftrightarrow a^{(p-1)/2} \equiv 1 \bmod p$ when $(a,p) = 1$ for odd primes $p$. I feel like that is overkill, since it can be shown using the fact that a polynomial of degree $d$ over a field (like $\mathbf Z/(p)$) has at most $d$ roots in the field, which is more intuitive and simpler than bringing in a generator of the unit group mod $p$. $\endgroup$
    – KConrad
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 0:33
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I rewrote Step 3(ii) to avoid mentioning isomorphisms, but they're implicitly there since the reduction map $(\mathbf Z/(n))^\times \to (\mathbf Z/(n'))^\times$ is onto with a trivial kernel: each unit mod $n'$ is the reduction of one unit mod $n$. That's why the exponent on the right side of the displayed congruence in Step 3(ii) is $1$ instead of an even number like in all other similar-looking steps. $\endgroup$
    – KConrad
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 20:54

Both Gauss' generalization, and the classification of moduli with primitive roots, are 'shadows' of the structural theory of the finite abelian group $G_m:=(\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z})^{\times}$. Gauss' generalization computes the product of elements in $G_m$, while the classification tells us whether $G_m$ is cyclic. If you know the structure of $G_m$, that is, if you have an isomorphism $G_m \cong \bigoplus_i \mathbb{Z}/a_i \mathbb{Z}$, it is easy to both compute the product of elements in $G_m$ and to answer whether $G_m$ is cyclic.

The reason for the similarity between the answers is the following group version of Gauss' result: suppose $G$ is a finite abelian group. If $G$ has a unique element of order $2$, call it $a$, then the product of elements in $G$ is $a$. Otherwise, the product is the identity element $e$. So without any number theory (only group theory) we know that $\prod_{k \in G_m} k$ is not congruent to $1 \bmod m$ if and only if $G_m$ has a unique element of order $2$. Gauss' result implies a classification of $m$ for which $G_m$ has a unique element of order $2$.

What's the relationship between have a unique element of order $2$ and being cyclic? Well, in the case of the groups $G_m$, they always have even order (unless $m=2$); that's a number theory phenomenon. A cyclic group of even order has a unique element of order $2$, so Gauss' generalization sees the moduli that have primitive roots. Why doesn't it see other moduli? In general, a finite abelian group $G$ of even order can have a unique element of order $2$ while not being cyclic. Such groups are given by $\mathbb{Z}/2^m \mathbb{Z} \oplus A$ where $A$ is a non-cyclic group of odd order. The groups $G_m$ cannot look like that, though, and I do not know how to show it without developing at least most of the structural theory of $G_m$.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ For prime $p$, $-1 \bmod p^\alpha$ has order $2$ unless $p^\alpha = 2$. So by the Chinese rem. thm, there is more than one unit mod $n$ of order $2$ if $n$ has more than one odd prime factor or if $n$ has one odd prime factor and is divisible by $4$. There are three elements of order $2$ in the units mod $2^\alpha$ if $\alpha \geq 3$. The only moduli $n > 1$ left for which there could be a unique unit of order $2$ are $2$, $4$, $p^\alpha$, and $2p^\alpha$ for odd primes $p$. For these moduli except $2$, only one unit has order $2$. We don’t need to know the moduli whose units are cyclic. $\endgroup$
    – KConrad
    Commented Jun 20, 2022 at 5:26
  • $\begingroup$ What if there is more than one element of order 2? Then we just now that the product of all elements is the product of the elements of order 2 (which could be different from $e$). $\endgroup$
    – Thrash
    Commented Apr 7 at 22:10
  • $\begingroup$ Update: If there is more than one such element, we can consider all such elements together with $e$, which form a subgroup that (I think) is isomorphic to a $k$-fold copy of the cyclic group of order $2$ (where $k>1$), and it is not difficult to see that the product of all these elements yields $e$ because in each component, the element of order $2$ occurs an even number of times. $\endgroup$
    – Thrash
    Commented Apr 8 at 10:07

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