By "$u$ is subharmonic" do you mean it is so in the comparison sense, namely: given every closed ball $B\subseteq \Omega$, and every harmonic $\phi$ on $B$ with $\phi|_{\partial B} \geq u|_{\partial B}$, then $u|_B \leq \phi|_B$? If so, it is known that this definition is equivalent to viscosity subharmonicity (the second description you gave) for USC functions.
Sketch of proof by contrapositive:
Suppose there exists a closed ball $B\subseteq \Omega$ and a harmonic function $\phi:B\to \Omega$ with $\phi|_{\partial B} \geq u|_{\partial B}$, such that there is some $y\in \mathring{B}$ such that $\phi(y) < u(y)$ (in other words, suppose that $u$ is not comparison subharmonic).
We can first make $\phi$ strictly superharmonic:
Denote by $c$ the center of the ball $B$, and $r$ its radius. Consider the function
$$ \phi_\epsilon(z) = \phi(z) + \epsilon (r^2 - |z-c|^2) $$
For sufficiently small $\epsilon$ we have $\phi_\epsilon(y) < u(y)$ still. Therefore since $u$ is upper semi continuous $\sup (u-\phi_\epsilon)$ is strictly positive and hence attained in the interior of $B$; call this point $\mathring{y}$ and this maximum value of $\sup (u-\phi_\epsilon) = \eta$.
Now examine the function
$$ \psi(z) = \phi_\epsilon(z) + \eta + \frac\epsilon2 |z - \mathring{y}|^2 $$
- By definition $\psi(\mathring{y}) = u(\mathring{y})$.
- $\Delta \psi(z) = -\epsilon \cdot n < 0$
- $\psi(z) - u(z) = \frac{\epsilon}2|z - \mathring{y}|^2 + \underbrace{\eta + \phi_\epsilon(z) - u(z)}_{\geq 0} > 0$ away from $\mathring{y}$.
This shows that $u$ is not viscosity subharmonic.