For $K$ a hyperbolic knot in $S^3$, a rational number $p/q$ is an exceptional slope if the manifold $M_{p/q}$ obtained from $(p,q)$-Dehn surgery on $K$ does not admit a hyperbolic structure.
Thurston showed that there are finitely many exceptional slopes for any knot complement, and it's now known that there are at most $10$. I'm interested in understanding what sorts of numbers $p/q$ can occur. Is anything known in general?
For example, when $K$ is the figure-eight knot, the exceptional slopes are [T, Theorem 4.7] $1/0, 0/1, 1/1, 2/1, 3/1$, and $4/1$, along with their negatives. All of these except $(1,0)$ have $1$ in the denominator. Does this pattern hold more generally?
The exception to this pattern is $(1,0)$ which is always an exceptional slope because it gives $S^3$ for any $K$, unless I have the conventions backwards and $(0,1)$ does. (Usually we consider $1/0 = \infty$ to correspond to no surgery for this reason, but that doesn't seem to be Thurston's convention.)
[T] W. Thurston, Geometry and topology of three-manifolds,