My question is propably too vague to answer, the reader is advised.
There are these two mentioned theorems which you may recognise in other forms, but these are the ones that I have been taught.
Jacobson density theorem
Let $U$ be an irreducible $R$-module ($R$ is a ring with identity) and $D=End_R(U)$. Let $X\subseteq U$ be finite and $D$-free, and $\phi\in End_D(U)$. Then there is a $r\in R$ such that for all $a\in X$, we have that $\phi(a)=ra$.
Riesz representation theorem
Let $(H,\langle·,·\rangle)$ be a Hilbert space whose inner product is linear in its first argument and antilinear in the second argument. If $\phi\in H^*$, then there exists $r\in H$ such that for all $x\in H$, we have that $\phi(x)=\langle x,r\rangle$.
Is there any relation between these two theorems, apart from being two representation theorems?