I am interested in conditions for weak convergence on Orlicz spaces where the corresponding Young function, $\Phi:[0,\infty) \rightarrow [0,\infty)$, does not have the $\Delta_{2}$ condition, i.e. does not satisfy the following inequality: $\displaystyle \sup_{t \in [0,\infty)} \dfrac{\Phi(2t)}{\Phi(t)} < \infty.$
I $$ \displaystyle \sup_{t \in [0,\infty)} \dfrac{\Phi(2t)}{\Phi(t)} < \infty. $$ I have been attempting to apply the following theorem for Kosaku Yosida's book, "Functional Analysis"Functional Analysis (seeMR617913, Zbl 0435.46002, see Chapter 5, Section 1 Theorem 3 on page 121):
Theorem 3:Theorem 3. A sequence in a normed linear space $X$ converges weakly to an element $x_{\infty} \in X$ iff the following two conditions are satisfied: i.) $\sup_{n} \|x_{n}\| < \infty$, and ii.) $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} f(x_{n}) = f(x_{\infty})$ for every $f$ from any strongly dense subset $D^{*}$ of $X^{*}$ (where $X^{*}$ denotes the dual of $X$).
- $\sup_{n} \|x_{n}\| < \infty$, and
- $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} f(x_{n}) = f(x_{\infty})$ for every $f$ from any strongly dense subset $D^{*}$ of $X^{*}$ (where $X^{*}$ denotes the dual of $X$).
1.) Are there known results for weak convergence involving non-$\Delta_{2}$ Orlilcz spaces? Ideally results that get around the more difficult dual spaces present under non-$\Delta_{2}$ conditions.
2.) Are there references (besides Rao & Ren) that deal with the dual spaces of non-$\Delta_{2}$ Orlicz spaces?
3.) Are there references detailing the role of the $\nu_{1}$ term: $\int f(s) \nu_{1} $ in the decomposition of an element of $(L^{\Phi}(\mu))^{*}$?
4.) I believe (but have not proved or found a reference) that the dual of $\Phi(t) = e^{|t|}-1$ is $\Psi(t) = t\log^{+}(t)$, where $\log^{+}(t) = \max(0,\log(t))$. Since this is a $\Delta_{2}$ function, simple functions are dense in $L^{\Psi}(\mu)$ (see "Stopping Times and Directed Processes" page 47 Corollary 2.1.18 or "Theory of Orlicz Spaces by Rao & Ren, page 77 Corollary 5). Is this somehow enough to prove weak convergence even with the presence of the $\int f(s) \nu_{1}$ term?
- Are there known results for weak convergence involving non-$\Delta_{2}$ Orlilcz spaces? Ideally results that get around the more difficult dual spaces present under non-$\Delta_{2}$ conditions.
- Are there references (besides Rao & Ren) that deal with the dual spaces of non-$\Delta_{2}$ Orlicz spaces?
- Are there references detailing the role of the $\nu_{1}$ term: $\int f(s) \nu_{1} $ in the decomposition of an element of $(L^{\Phi}(\mu))^{*}$?
- I believe (but have not proved or found a reference) that the dual of $\Phi(t) = e^{|t|}-1$ is $\Psi(t) = t\log^{+}(t)$, where $\log^{+}(t) = \max(0,\log(t))$. Since this is a $\Delta_{2}$ function, simple functions are dense in $L^{\Psi}(\mu)$ (see "Stopping Times and Directed Processes" page 47 Corollary 2.1.18 or "Theory of Orlicz Spaces by Rao & Ren, page 77 Corollary 5). Is this somehow enough to prove weak convergence even with the presence of the $\int f(s) \nu_{1}$ term?