I wanwant to now whetehrwhether this equqationequation is of hyperbolic type: $$(I-\partial_{xx})y_{tt}+y_{xxxx}=0$$$$(1-\partial_{xx})y_{tt}+y_{xxxx}=0$$ with boundary conditions $$y(t,0)=y(t,1)=y_x(t,0)=y_x(t,1)=0.$$ I would say that the answer is yes. By taking the pricipalprincipal symbols we get $$-\tau^2+\frac{\xi^4}{1+\xi^2}=0$$ which has the same behavior as $$-\tau^2+\xi^2=0$$ which is clearly the wave equations for high frequency. I'm writeAm I right ?. Does the boundary conditions affects the type of PDEs ?. Thank you.
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