Let $\pi$ be an automorphic representation on GL($m$)/$\mathbb{Q}$$\mathrm{GL}(m)/\mathbb{Q}$.
Define Define $$L(s,\pi,Ad):=\frac{L(s,\pi\times\overline{\pi})}{\zeta(s)}.$$$$L(s,\pi,\mathrm{Ad}):=\frac{L(s,\pi\times\overline{\pi})}{\zeta(s)}.$$ This is an L$L$-function with euler productsEuler product of degree $m^2-1$.
Is $L(s,\pi,Ad)$ a$L(s,\pi,\mathrm{Ad})$ holomorphic L-function on the entire complex plane? As far as I know, this is known for m=2 from$m=2$ by the work Shimura and Gelbart-Jacquet.
What's What is know on the case of $m>2$?