For each odd prime p<20 I'll write down:
(a). Explicit generators of A, the polynomial relations they satisfy, and a description of the affine curve attached to A. f1 and fp will be as in the last edit. r in A will be the reduction of the expansion x+... of that weight 4 Eisenstein series for gamma_0 (p) having a zero at infinity. Classical results show that r+r^2=f1+fp. I'll take r as one of the generators of A, and express fp (and consequently f1=r^2+r+fp) as polynomials in my generators.
(b). Let R=r(x^p). More generally I'll use this lower case --> upper case convention in passing from an element of Z/2[[x]] to its image when x is replaced by x^p. For each generator g of A as given above, I'll give a formula for G in terms of thetas, using the notation of the last edit. When I have a particularly nice formula for fp(x^p) I'll give it as well.
I start with the genus 0 cases.
(a) A=Z/2[r]. The curve is the affine line. f3=r^3+r^4
(b) R=C(1,1,1)
(a) A=Z/2[r]. The curve is the affine line. f5=r^5+r^6
(b) R=C(1,2)
(a) Let u be the reduction of the expansion x^2+... of that weight 4 form with an order 2 zero at infinity. (This expansion lies in Z[[x]]). Then A=Z/2[r,u], and r^2+ru+u^2+u=0. Since the affine curve y^2+xy+x^2+x=0 has, at infinity, two points conjugate over Z/2, our curve is obtained by removing such a pair of points from the projective line. f7=r^3+r^4+ru.
(b) R=C(1,1,1,2)+C(1,2,3) U=C(1,2,3)
(a) Let u be the reduction of the rational weight 4 newform. Then A=Z/2[r,u] and u(1+r+r^2)=r+r^2. So A is generated by r and 1/(1+r+r^2) and the curve is the affine line with the points with x^2+x=1 removed. f13=(r^13)(1+r)(1+u)^4.
(b) R=C(2,3) U=R+C(1,2,3,5)
I next turn to genus 1:
(a) Let t be the reduction of the weight 2 newform. Then A=Z/2[r,t], and r^2+r=t^3+t. So the curve is an elliptic curve with the origin removed. f11=r^4+r^3+t^3.
(b) R=C(1,1,3) T=R+C(1,1,2,4) and f11(x^11) is T*C(1,2,3,4,5)^2.
(a) The Fourier expansions x-3x^2+.. and x+9x^2+... of the rational weight 4 newform and the weight 4 Eisenstein series vanishing at infinity are congruent mod 4. Let u be the reduction of (1/4)*(their difference). Then A=Z/2[r,u] and (1+r)(u^2+u)=r^2. Let x=1+r and y=ux. Then y^2+xy=x^3+x. So the curve is the affine curve y^2+xy=x^3+x with the point (0,0) removed. f17=(r^2+r)*u^8.
(b) R=C(1,4) I have only a horrible formula for U: U=(1+R)(C(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)+(R+R^3)(C(1,2,4,8)+C(1,3,4,5))+C(1,3,4,5)+R^2+R^5. But f17(x^17)=C(1,2,4,8)C(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8).
(a) Let t and u be the reductions of the rational newforms of weights 2 and 4. Then u=t/(1+t). Set v=r+u. Then A=Z/2[r,t,u]=Z/2[v,t,1/(1+t)]. And v^2+v=t^3. So the curve is the cubic curve y^2+y=x^3+x with the points with x=1 removed. f19=t*(v^6)*(1+u^4).
(b) R=C(1,3,3) V=C(1,2,4,6) T=R+C(2,3,3,4) U=R+V
Caveat: My MO results show that my alleged generators of B' given above really generate B'. But for p=11,13,17 and 19 I haven't checked that the alleged generators of A really generate A. But this can no doubt be done with sage.