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diverietti's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Non-Kahler manifolds where the different Laplacians are compatible

3 votes

Siu decomposition

3 votes

The asymptotic growth of global sections of powers of a complex line bundle

3 votes

Semi-stability of $S^n\Omega_S$ with respect to $K_S$

2 votes

Use of Invariant metric/distances to classify domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$

2 votes

Uniformity of ampleness

2 votes

Geometrical meaning of admissible hermitian metric on a line bundle

2 votes

Examples of surfaces with negative Kahler curvature operator

2 votes

Complex manifolds with trivial canonical bundle

2 votes

What is the holomorphic sectional curvature?

2 votes

Local expression involved in the definition of positivity of vector bundles

2 votes

Decomposition of hermitian form used in the definition of Griffiths/Nakano positivity

1 vote

Holomorphic separation and the existence of strictly plurisubharmonic functions

1 vote

Globally generation of $\Omega_{\mathbb{P}^n}(2H)$

1 vote

Flat connections on Bundles of degree 0 on a compact Riemann surface

1 vote

Effect of tensor product on euler characteristic of line bundles

1 vote

Is there a "simple commutation" relation between $D^{''}$ and $\delta^{'}$, with $D^{''}$ the (0,1) part of the chern connection of a vector bundle and $\delta^{'}$ the adjoint of the (1,0) part?

1 vote

extending biholomorphic maps to bimeromorphic maps

0 votes

Normal bundle of $CP^1$ in $CP^2$

0 votes

A question about nef classes on compact Kähler manifolds

1 2