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  • Member for 11 years
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
Parametrised Hilbert spaces; can we put a norm on the following space of Hilbert spaces?
There is a thesis available online which covers this material---Xavier Mary, Sous-espaces hilbertiens (Rouen). Despite the title, it is in english.
Parametrised Hilbert spaces; can we put a norm on the following space of Hilbert spaces?
13(1964). Sorry about the chopped up form of my answer. It's the software.
Parametrised Hilbert spaces; can we put a norm on the following space of Hilbert spaces?
ordering which can be used to define notions of convergence---see his article in Jour. d'Analyse Math.
Parametrised Hilbert spaces; can we put a norm on the following space of Hilbert spaces?
as a space (with structure) in its own right. I don't recall him using a topology but he does use an
Parametrised Hilbert spaces; can we put a norm on the following space of Hilbert spaces?
i did Independent misunderstand your query. but you van embed all your Hilbert spaces into a large tvs,say the measurable functions and then you have a situation which has been studied by L. Schwartz who considers the family of all hilbertien subspaces of a gives tvs (that is all Hilbert spaces which embed continuously into it)
Locally compact space that is not topologically complete
Sorry, you are correct, of course. I was confusing Čech completeness and topological completeness. However, both notions coincide for metrisable spaces since they are equivalent to the space being $G_\delta$ in a compactification in this case. This supplies a second