Is a distributive lattice planar iff it admits no B3 sublattice?
You might ask what is the smallest distributive lattice that contains a subgraph homeomorphic (or appropriately morphic) to K5 or K3,3.
Is a distributive lattice planar iff it admits no B3 sublattice?
As a graph it is planar. You need to specify if you want an orientation of the plane and an order preserving map from the lattice to the plane of representation with additional properties for the induced edges.
Ricocheting pinball-like shot: Complexity?
Isn't a question like this considered in ray tracing algorithms?
Countable hypo-hamiltonian graph
For clarity, I would write "surjective (on V)", so that people don't think of covering all edges.
Does every strictly increasing, unbounded sequence of positive real numbers contain arbitrarily long, finite subsequences which are "sort of increasing" or "sort of decreasing" (as defined below)?
Nice example. As I understand things, one can switch to having very large or very small ratios, and it can began with any term. I do not see this as a counterexample. I recommend leaving it as a source to inspire others.
Primitive recursive arithmetic via universal algebra
It depends on what you want to study, equational theories of ( certain subclasses of ) rings, or certain theories which involve the total or even partial order as it relates to the operations. There are other complexity issues as well, e.g. bounded arithmetic. Samuel Buss is a name associated with this latter study.
A question on Collatz's conjecture:proportion of "low flying" orbits
Much as I enjoy your explanatory graphics, I find this one misleading. I recommend either plotting T(N) for all N in the range ( and then using a log scale), or instead relabelling and plot integer k against T(2^k). A comparison of this graph with the first modification (T(N) vs log N for N not powers of 2) might serve as a good topic in data representation.
How many hamiltonian cycles can be removed from a complete directed graph before it becomes disconnected?
Even though there is a graeco-latin square of order 4, I wonder if there is a connection this problem has with G-L squares (or with the symmetric group S_6 having an unusual automrphism group).
How many hamiltonian cycles can be removed from a complete directed graph before it becomes disconnected?
Another snap solution: for 5 people and person A , any 5 arrangements must have at least one person P appearing at least twice on A's left.
$n^3 | \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\binom{n}{i}^2$ => $n | \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\binom{n}{i}$?
One reason to use these forms is that it may be possible to characterize those n for which gcd(n, 2n choose n) > 2. In particular, most composite integers n will not be expected to divide (2n choose n) - 2.
$n^3 | \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\binom{n}{i}^2$ => $n | \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\binom{n}{i}$?
You might note the closed forms of the sums also: that is likely to get more people involved in answering.
The groupoid of algebraic expressions and proofs
There are those who might call a term algebra an absolutely free algebra. I call it a term algebra, the free countably generated algebra in the variety of all structures of a given similarity type.
The groupoid of algebraic expressions and proofs
Relatively free algebra with labelling of the term algebra by congruences. I don't recall seeing a categorification of the process as you have it here, but what you have above is not far removed from constructing the free algebra of a variety from a term algebra.
Reference request: Research done on whether the Euler prime can be the largest factor of an odd perfect number
Thanks for the link. Do you or does Bill have an idea about odd multiperfects? I'm looking for literature which may touch on the idea in… , and anything which has a similar smell to it.
Generating primes with floor of a polynomial $[p(n)]$
Because of large gaps, the degree can't be one. Based on results for integer coefficient polynomials, my guess is the answer is no.
Are all $k$th-longest-tour problems equally hard?
Not if edge weights are involved.
Decomposing matrices to lower ranks
Let M be the zero matrix except having ones in entries a_ii for i from 1 to r. Any matrix M' with entries within 1/4 of the entries of M should also have rank r or close to it.
Decomposing matrices to lower ranks
Try it with a rank r identity matrix first. I think you will not be able to keep the error bound.
Decomposing matrices to lower ranks
You can use matrices that have at most s rows nonzero. You can probably get close to r/s many summands.
Enumerating matrices function of ranks
I don't recall. If there is one in the paper it is likely conjectural.