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Greg Stevenson's user avatar
Greg Stevenson
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

Is there a version of the valuative criteria for separateness/properness for varieties?

3 votes

Are good introductory/pedagogical problems in algebraic geometry rare?

3 votes

Are submersions of differentiable manifolds flat morphisms?

3 votes

Quotients of Schemes by Free Group Actions

3 votes

Is there a free digraph associated to a graph?

3 votes

Looking for reference talking about torsion theory on coherent sheaves on projective space

3 votes

Derived category with total cohomology finite dimensional: is there a better name for it?

3 votes

An application of the Künneth formula in the proof of the theorem of the cube

3 votes

Applications of classifying thick subcategories

3 votes

Sheaf cohomology and torsion

2 votes

Is K(R-Mod) compactly generated when R is an artin algebra?

2 votes

Dense section of sheaves of modules

2 votes

Integrally closed factor rings and projective modules

2 votes

When are dual modules free?

2 votes

Morita equivalence and moduli problems

2 votes

When is a localization of a commutative ring finitely generated as an algebra?

2 votes

exactness in triangulated categories is reflected by hom-functor

2 votes

Higher vanishing cycles

2 votes

Morphisms of (quasi-)projective varieties

2 votes

Separators in the Category of Groups

2 votes

What kind of operations does the Tall-Wraith monoid encode?

1 vote

When does direct image with proper support have a right adjoint?

1 vote

What is the "right" definition of the free abelian group on a set?

1 vote

Is projectiveness a Zariski-local property of modules? (Answered: Yes!)

1 vote

How to make commutative algebraic groups strongly dualizable?

0 votes

Analogues of the Weierstrass p function for higher genus compact Riemann surfaces

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