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11 votes

On eigenfunctions of the Laplace Beltrami operator

For $\mathrm{SU}(2)$, with the scale for the biïnvariant metric so that it becomes isometric to the unit $3$-sphere $S^3$ in Euclidean $4$-space, it is well-known what the eigenvalues of the Laplace-...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
9 votes

Estimate on $C^1$-norm of solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation

The first derivatives of $u$ are harmonic too. Therefore the Maximum Principle tells us $$\|\nabla u\|_{C^0(\bar\Omega)}=\left\|\left.\nabla u\right|_{\partial\Omega}\right\|_{C^0(\partial\Omega)}.$$ ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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8 votes

Convex solutions of the Poisson equation

I apologize for having posted this question too early. I realize that the answer to the first question is negative. Actually suppose that $D=D(0;R)$ is a disk and $f=f(r)$ is a radial function. If a ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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6 votes

Use stochastic process to express solution to Laplace equation in the whole space

If $f(x) / (1 + |x|)$ is integrable, then the solution $u$ is equal to the Newtonian potential of $f$: $$ -u(x) = \frac{1}{4\pi} \int_{\mathbb R^3} \frac{f(y)}{|x - y|} \, dy . $$ And the Newtonian ...
Mateusz Kwaśnicki's user avatar
6 votes

Intuition for Agmon-Douglis-Nirenberg ellipticity

The idea of the weights used in the ADN definition of the principal symbol is quite natural in the context of graded vector spaces or more generally graded modules. In the equation $u = Dv$, $u=(u_1,\...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
6 votes

Laplace beltrami eigenspaces of compact Lie groups

Too long for a comment, but this is not a full answer. I'm not sure about the sums of LB eigenvalues, but the analogue with highest weights instead of the corresponding eigenvalues should hold. Recall ...
Andrei Smolensky's user avatar
5 votes

Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on Lipschitz domains

Let $u$ be the solution of the Dirichlet problem for Laplacian in a Lipschitz domain with boundary data $g$. Then, for every $s\in [1/2,3/2]$, $$ \| u \|_{H^{s}\,(U)} \leq C \| g \|_{H^{s-1/2}\,\,\,\,(...
Scott Armstrong's user avatar
4 votes

Intuition for Agmon-Douglis-Nirenberg ellipticity

The question whether appropriate weights exist is discussed in the following paper: L.R. Volevich, A problem of linear programming arising in differential equations, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 18 (1963), No. 3,...
Michael Renardy's user avatar
3 votes

Variation of the Green function with respect to the metric

It seems that the naive derivation from the path integral only picks up the term coming from quasiconformal variations. Combining the known result for the quasiconformal variation with the much more ...
Alex Bogatskiy's user avatar
3 votes

Separable coordinate systems for the Laplace and Helmholtz equations?

There is a modern geometric theory of (orthogonal) separation of variables on spaces of constant curvature (of arbitrary dimension), which includes an exhaustive classification. It follows from the ...
Krishan Rajaratnam's user avatar
3 votes

the curvature wave equation

A similar equation that's been used is the Penrose wave equation \begin{equation} \square R_{a b c d} = 2 R_{a e d f} R{_b}{^e}{_c}{^f} - 2 R_{a e c f} R{_b}{^e}{_d}{^f} - R_{a b e f} R{_{c d}}{^{e f}}...
David Chow's user avatar
2 votes

Neumann problem for the Laplacian with Dirac delta functions

It occurs to me that perhaps one can split the problem in two $$\begin{cases} \Delta f^+= 0 & B \\ \partial_n f^+=\delta(x-x_0) & \partial B \\ \end{cases}$$ and $$\begin{...
Carlo S's user avatar
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2 votes

Laplace equation on the disk with Robin boundary condition

The normal trick is to set it up as an eigenvalue problem, namely to look instead at $$\Delta u = 0, ~~\frac{\partial u}{\partial n} = \lambda b(x) u(x)~~ \forall x \in \partial D. (1)$$ You first ...
username's user avatar
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1 vote

What's going on with the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation?

You seek the solution of $$(\nabla^2+\kappa^2+i\epsilon)G(\mathbf{r})=\delta(\mathbf{r}),$$ in the limit $\epsilon\rightarrow 0^+$, which is given by a Hankel function of the first kind, $$G(\mathbf{r}...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
1 vote

Laplace equation with integral source terms

More a long comment than an answer, but perhaps it could be useful to you: one reference I know that deals extensively with non-local equation (read "integrodifferential" and "with ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
1 vote

Laplace equation, medium discontinuity and finite difference method

A surface charge will accumulate on the interface where the dielectric constant has a discontinuity. You need to calculate this surface charge and include it into the discretised Poisson equation. ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar

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