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11 votes

Algebraic models of non-simply connected spaces in string topology

In my paper with Zeinalian ( we prove that the coHochschild complex of the dg coalgebra of singular chains on a path connected (possibly non-simply connected) space ...
Manuel Rivera's user avatar
10 votes

Proofs that the classifying space of Connes' cycle category $\Lambda$ is $\mathbb C \mathbb P^\infty$

This statement appears as Corollary B.4 in Nikolaus-Scholze's On topological cyclic homology; essentially, $\Lambda$ is the quotient of the paracyclic category $\Lambda_\infty$ by a free $B\mathbb Z$-...
Bertram Arnold's user avatar
8 votes

How to compute the periodic cyclic homology of this algebra

You can use a derived version of the HKR theorem, i.e. $HH(A) = \text{Sym}_A^\bullet(\mathbb{L}_A[1])$ where $\mathbb{L}_A$ is the cotangent complex (over $k$). I'm not sure about a reference though. ...
math no more's user avatar
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7 votes

Is the localised $S^1$-equivariant cohomology of the free loop space of a space $X$ isomorphic to that of $X$ itself?

I don't know what you would mean by the normal bundle of $M$ in $LM$, but the answer to one question is "no": When the $\mathbb Q[u]$-module $H^\ast_{S^1}(LM)$ is localized by inverting $u$, ...
Tom Goodwillie's user avatar
6 votes

How to compute the periodic cyclic homology of this algebra

There's a spectral sequence starting with, for example, Hochschild cohomology of the cohomology of a DGA algebra $A$ and converging to the Hochschild cohomology of $A$, $E_2^{p,q}=H\!H^*H^*(A)\...
Dave Benson's user avatar
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6 votes

Morita equivalence and isomorphisms in cohomology theories

The conceptual point is that all of these invariants are Morita invariant because they can be defined directly in terms of the category of modules. Explicitly: Starting from the category of modules $\...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
5 votes

Morphisms of Hochschild (or cyclic) homology induced by homotopic maps

$\newcommand{\dd}{\mathrm d}\DeclareMathOperator{\Sym}{Sym}\DeclareMathOperator{\id}{id}$If $f,g:A\to B$ are dga morphisms which are homotopic as chain maps, the maps induced by $f$ and $g$ on ...
Bertram Arnold's user avatar
4 votes

Proofs that the classifying space of Connes' cycle category $\Lambda$ is $\mathbb C \mathbb P^\infty$

Another proof appears as Lemma and Remark of Igusa's Higher Franz-Reidemeister torsion. It uses spaces of graphs to verify that $|\Lambda|$ classifies oriented circle bundles.
skupers's user avatar
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4 votes

On Connes' fomulae of pairing between cyclic cohomology and K-theory

Let me turn this long comment into an answer, which does not address the concrete computations, but give a conceptual explanation of this pairing, in the same time fixing some typos (while the ...
Z. M's user avatar
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4 votes

Is the localised $S^1$-equivariant cohomology of the free loop space of a space $X$ isomorphic to that of $X$ itself?

As the example by Tom Goodwillie shows, the restriction to fixed points does not generally induce an isomorphism between localized equivariant cohomologies. Yet, as the question shows, there's good ...
domenico fiorenza's user avatar
3 votes

Is there an analogue of the module of differentials for "higher order derivations" in the Hochschild/cyclic senses?

The answer is yes and it is very simple. It helps to understand the case $n=1$ first in the way I explained in my thesis in Prop. 4.5.3. Namely, $\Omega^1_{S/R}$ can be constructed as the quotient of ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
2 votes

On the initiality of the inclusion from the simplex category to the paracycle category

As predicted by Maxime, the argument in Nikolaus and Scholze is indeed incorrect, but it can be fixed as follows. Note that since each map $(1/k)\mathbb Z \to (1/n)\mathbb Z$ factors through some $\...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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2 votes

Morita equivalence of DG algebras? (reference needed)

Just a comment on "For example, every linear invariant that I know of (algebraic K-theory, cyclic (co)homology, Hochschild (co)homology,...) is not only invariant under Morita equivalence but also ...
Marco Farinati's user avatar
2 votes

Definition of Non-commutative de-Rham-Cohomology

I do not really know the reason, but if I would guess I think it might be $\Omega(A)$ is no longer an abelian category. The exact sequences you written down are not just exact sequences of abelian ...
Bombyx mori's user avatar
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2 votes

Two approaches to periodic cyclic cohomology

The original reference is Theorem 40, c) of A maybe more pedagogical version is Theorem 29 c) of
user25309's user avatar
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2 votes

Normalization of cyclic cocycles

If I'm not mistaken this is just the dual version of what Loday and Quillen proves in Proposition 4.4 (or Proposition 2.2.14 in Loday's book, with the same proof). And sorry for nitpicking, but it's ...
Makoto Yamashita's user avatar
1 vote

Lie algebra (co)homology of the Lie algebra of differential operators

Lie algebra (co)homology of the Lie algebra of differential operators was used in the Feigin-Tsygan works on the Riemann-Roch theorem. See, for example, this paper and later papers of Tsygan with co-...
nikitamarkarian's user avatar

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