Chiral homology for the Virasoro algebra and/or affine Lie algebra
There isn't much written up on how to compute the higher chiral homology of vertex algebras. Besides the original work of Beilinson and Drinfeld that covers in particular the universal cases of ...
What is the meaning of chiral in the context of vertex algebras?
A vertex operator algebra describes the algebra of local operators in the chiral part of a 2d CFT. Typically one sees a VOA depending on a complex coordinate $z$. To describe a full 2d CFT, you would ...
What is the meaning of chiral in the context of vertex algebras?
Q: What is the geometry/physics behind the term chiral?
In the physics context, a Hamiltonian $H$ is said to possess chiral symmetry if it anticommutes with a unitary involution $C$. Eigenstates $\...
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