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39 votes

Euler's Master's Thesis

Martin Mattmüller, in his article Leonhard Euler, seine Heimatstadt und ihre Universität on Euler's hometown Basel, writes that this public talk (not a dissertation or written thesis), which Euler ...
Franz Lemmermeyer's user avatar
17 votes

Decidability of 3 body problem

In Church's thesis meets the N-body problem Warren Smith argues that unsimulable physical systems exist in Newton’s laws of gravity and motion for point masses, because an uncountably infinite number ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
14 votes

Decidability of 3 body problem

The paper Undecidability in $\mathbb{R}^n$: Riddled Basins, the KAM Tori, and the Stability of the Solar System by Matthew W. Parker (Philosophy of Science 70 (April 2003), 359–382) comes close to ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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9 votes

Status of the three-body problem

Although there is no solution for the general three body problem there are many related results, especially for the restricted case. Here is a study of LE's in restricted 3BP. And here is a ...
JohnS's user avatar
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8 votes

Euler's Master's Thesis

As Franz says, it is impossible to know for definite which view the young Euler supported. However, Newton had already disposed of the Cartesian vortex theory in the Principia which was published ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
1 vote

restricted three body problem equations of motion using particle distances and one angle variable

The equations of motion cannot be written as $$ \ddot{r}_{ij} = f_{ij}(r_{12},\ldots, r_{n-1,n}, \dot{r}_{12},\ldots, \dot{r}_{n-1,n}) $$ Consider $n$ equally massive particles arranged equidistantly ...
Robert Israel's user avatar

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