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29 votes

Who is M. Meyniel?

You can be quite sure that M. Meyniel means "Monsieur Meyniel" (a common usage in French). Here is what I think is definite proof that M. Meyniel is H. Meyniel: The acknowledgement of the ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
16 votes

Who is M. Meyniel?

This "M. Meyniel" is indeed, and definitively, Henri Meyniel (sometimes spelled Henry Meyniel). Note that the article you mention was communicated by Berge, at a time (1972) when Meyniel was ...
Greg82's user avatar
  • 261
10 votes

MREF tool and TeX formatting

For the moment, you can access the old version of mathscinet, including this, at - I have to admit that I don't like the new version for several ...
Dave Benson's user avatar
  • 16.2k
9 votes

Does Publ. Math. Institute Hung. have a new name?

According to Mathscinet, the name of this journal was A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Matematikai Kutató Intézetének Közleményei. Abbreviation: Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutató Int. Közl. It changed the ...
Alexandre Eremenko's user avatar
3 votes

On a set theory booklet by T. Skolem

This seems to fit. It's a short book published by the University of Notre Dame Press. MR0156776 Skolem, Thoralf A. Abstract set theory. Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures, No. 8. University of ...
2 votes

Need software for subject classification to stick to, for personal library purposes?

I would try out Papers. You'll need to build your own work flow, it's not like you can throw in the entire library and come back later for a complete classification database, but the software will ...
1 vote

Sources for BibTeX entries

Currently I get very good quality bibtex entries at Crossref, hope it will last
1 vote

Sources for BibTeX entries

I use doi2bib a lot - journals usually provide doi, but the bib entry (if present) is hidden or buried in some file. I rather just copy it from a field. Same with isbn2bib, very useful for books.

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